Ohio 4-H Teen Hall of Fame
2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019
2019 Inductees
Sponsored by Mr. Tim and Mrs. Karen Corcoran and the Ohio 4-H Foundation Board
2018 Inductees
Sponsored by Mr. Tim and Mrs. Karen Corcoran and the Ohio 4-H Foundation Board
2017 Inductees
Sponsored by the Ohio 4-H Foundation
2016 Inductees
Sponsored by Joseph B. Kelly, Lynn and Linda Landis, Reiterman Feed, Supply and Rinehart Continuous Gutter, and Superior Farm Supply, Inc.
Teen of the Year | Jacob Shuman, Ross County- "Outstanding 4-H teens exhibit diligence, advocacy, passion, and leadership in the activities they choose to participate in. The top 4-H teens should demonstrate attributes through their actions that will continue to serve themselves and their world for a lifetime. I believe Jacob Shuman is a great example of a 4-H teen that has maximized his opportunities. He seeks to learn from and then share his skills with others. Beyond traditional teen involvement, Jacob uses his 4-H background to pursue his interest in beekeeping. This niche has helped spur conversation around a vital and pressing hot topic in today’s world. Jacob is actively utilizing his communication and leadership skills to influence his potential field of study at an early age; skills he developed and refined through 4-H. Jacob is a great example of a teen who works daily to implement the tools he’s learned through 4-H to make the best, better." |
Teen Hall of Fame | Emily Bauman, Adams County- “She is a terrific role model for younger youth. That’s huge. And, something towards which all 4-H teens should strive. Emily has had a varied and successful 4-H career—local club member and officer, county and Ohio State Fair exhibitor, county Junior Fair Board member and president, camper and counselor. She has taken advantage of many leadership development opportunities throughout her career and then applied what she’s learned in promoting 4-H, sharing her expertise, helping others. It’s my pleasure, and in fact, the pleasure of the Adams County 4-H Advisory Committee, to nominate Emily for the inaugural class of the inductees into the Ohio 4-H Teen Hall of Fame. It would make all of us in Adams county very proud to have one of our own as a member of this prestigious group.” |
Teen Hall of Fame | Natalee Blackford, Ashland County- “Natalee is what most would consider a well-rounded 4-H’er. She has explored many projects and has participated in activities emphasizing service to others. This award honors those who have dedicated themselves to making the best better in their club, community, country, and world. I believe Natalee has done that. She is very active in her two community 4-H clubs. Sometimes older members miss meetings or don’t help with routine club activities. Natalee makes it a priority to attend these events and be a good role model. She is also active in state-level 4-H activities. She enjoys getting involved and working to make positive changes for youth. By expanding her focus into national activities, she has grown even more. It is a true motivator for her and has influenced her choice of career greatly. She also wants to stay involved and support young 4-H’ers as so many have done for her.” |
Teen Hall of Fame | Kelli Briggs, Geauga County- “Kelli Briggs is an outstanding 4-H member. Her dedication to her projects, clubs and the program is unwavering. She is a wonderful role model to all those involved in the 4-H program. She is the first to step up for any leadership role and is always supportive. Her ability to mentor youth is outstanding. She always puts others and their needs ahead of her own. Kelli volunteers a great deal of her time to address the needs of others. Her community service and volunteer efforts stand out even against the adult volunteers in our county. I have watched Kelli grow and mature into an amazing young lady. Kelly is currently pursuing higher education in the medial fields. I could not think of anyone more deserving for such a high honor than Ms. Briggs.” |
Teen Hall of Fame | Kameron Rinehart, Fayette County- “When you think 4-H, the name Kameron Rinehart pops up in our county and at the state level! His leadership skills are exceptional. His passion is 4-H! The combination of these two is the reason he has become known in Ohio 4-H with both young people and adults. Not only does he strive to succeed, but also to help move 4-H forward in a positive manner. A leader is someone who motivates others which Kameron has demonstrated over and over like convincing his peers to submit state 4-H achievement forms and helping them complete their forms even though they would be competing against him. This is an example of unselfish leadership. Kameron’s 4-H resume is impressive, but more important are those leadership skills that set him apart from most teens. Four words that best describe Kameron are responsible, driven, articulate and honest." |