1989 Hall of Fame

Samuel Cashman
Sam Cashman was an active participant in 4-H club programs beginning with his enrollment in a swine club in Richland County in 1926. As a 4-H advisor and county Extension Agriculture Agent in Wyandot County, he established a 4-H County Advisory Committee which has remained active to this day. Helping to make 4-H visible was a priority of Sam's. As Editor of the Buckeye Farm News, he supported and encouraged the submission of 4-H news and activities for publication. He also assisted in the development and promotion of the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center on The Ohio State University campus.
As an annual contributor to the 4-H Foundation Fund over the past two decades, Sam and his family took action in 1988 to establish a 4-H Research Endowment as a living memorial to their family. He also served as a member of the Ohio 4-H Foundation Board of Directors for 12 years.

Marion Frank
Marion Frank of Tuscarawas County has had major roles in Ohio State University Extension for more than 42 years. She was involved in Extension Homemakers, served as a 4-H advisor for 38 years, and set a precedent for the state of Ohio as the first full-time program assistant. During her six years as program assistant, she planned and organized many county programs which helped to teach boys and girls communication as well as leadership skills. Her strong commitment to the Extension Homemakers program led her to create a 4-H representative position on Home Council. In addition, she led the homemakers in utilizing their talents to introduce economic topics into local 4-H clubs. She not only tied the two OSU Extension groups together, but strengthened community support for 4-H.
Marion always sees a positive side to every situation and works to develop the best solution. She has dedicated her life to helping people better themselves by becoming involved in programs that have a positive impact on their lives.

Esther Janes
Esther Janes has made 4-H an educational experience for more than 1,500 boys and girls during her 41 years of volunteer service to Ohio 4-H. Her 8,000 hours of volunteer leadership have encouraged young people to explore higher education and assume responsible positions in the community. Perhaps her success can be attributed to her belief that each young person is unique and her desire that each youth learn a skill and share it with someone else. She describes a 4-H member as being like "a pebble tossed in a stream," the positive impact can go on forever. It is evident that Esther Jane's positive impact will be felt for a long time.
Esther has served on the Clinton County 4-H Committee for more than 21 years. She also serves on the Clinton County Extension County Advisory Committee and represents her district on the State Extension Advisory Committee. Her hard work and skills in fundraising have made significant contributions to Clinton County 4-H. She was one of the founders of the 4-H Food Service Fundraiser at the Clinton County Fair, which has raised more then $150,000 over 18 years. She is a positive, fair-minded and caring person who generates enthusiasm among all who work and share responsibilities with her.

R. Bruce Tom
In his professional career as a rural sociologist, Bruce dedicated his life and energy to helping people learn to interact together, develop relationships, and support each other. He was the founder of the Buckeye Recreation Workshop, which has been a driving force in the training of 4-H leaders for 45 years now. The Buckeye Recreation Workshop is one of the earliest and longest-running recreation labs of its type in the country. Today there are about thirty similar workshops held on a regular basis in the United States, all of which have had the Buckeye Recreation Workshop as a model. If ever a man had a living memorial, the Buckeye Recreation Workshop is a living memorial to R. Bruce Tom.
Bruce loves people - young and old alike. He was involved with the Buckeye Recreation Workshop Committee, Camp Ohio Board of Trustees, Future Farmers of America, the State PTA Board, and the state and national Grange.
1988 Hall of Fame

James “Jim” W. Marquand
Jim Marquand served as an Ohio State University Faculty member from 1953 through 1982. He began his career as a 4-H Agent in Tuscarawas County and served as an Assistant 4-H Leader for 11 years. During this time, he was recognized as a vital leader for 4-H in Ohio. Jim developed the small animal curriculum that is used throughout Ohio in community and school clubs. He also initiated a training program for Junior Fair Board members at the Junior Fair Conference in Columbus, which now involves more then 500 young people from across the state. He provided leadership to the LABO (Japanese Exchange) program at the county, area, state and national levels, served as State IFYE Leader, and participated in the Caribbean Rural Youth Leaders Seminar. He has been a major financial contributor to Ohio 4-H, making trips to National 4-H Congress and IFYE Exchange programs possible. He supplied all county and state offices with the book A.B. Graham and established the Jim Marquand Scholarship Fund to provide boys and girls an opportunity to attend camp.
Harriett C. Miles
Harriett Miles has had a major influence upon the lives of many youth during her tenure as an educator for both the public school system as well as 4-H. In her 52 years as an advisor to a local 4-H club, she has directly impacted the lives of more than 500 boys and girls. Serving as a member of the County 4-H Committee and the 4-H Camp Board for more than 35 years, she has contributed significantly to the development of quality 4-H programs in Hamilton County and throughout southwestern Ohio.
Harriett has promoted participation in 4-H leadership development activities for both youth and adult leaders. She has led groups of Ohio 4-H members to Citizenship Washington Focus and West Virginia's Jackson Mills 4-H Camp. She has also worked to improve her own skills and understanding of 4-H by attending five National Advisor Forums.
Recognized for putting the welfare of others before her own, Harriett believes serving others is a privilege. Because of her dedication to 4-H, a wealth of "learning by doing" opportunities have been provided to boys and girls in Hamilton County and southwestern Ohio.

Alice S. Moore
Alice Moore's experiences as a 4-H member growing up on a farm in Coshocton County had a great impact upon her career choice and interests as an adult. Now a homemaker and manager of a large dairy operation, Alice still finds time to volunteer her skills to help others. Besides staring her 24th year as a 4-H club advisor of the Bon-A-Vale 4-H Club, she is also a current member of the Coshocton County Extension Advisory Committee and the Ohio 4-H Foundation Advisory Board. She has played a key role with both groups by contacting legislators to gain continued support for the 4-H program and Ohio State University Extension.
In the past Alice has served on the Coshocton County 4-H Committee and has judged both 4-H projects and speaking contests in a number of other counties. She has hosted youth from the IFYE and other exchange programs. Noted for a willingness to serve and a positive attitude, her strong belief in 4-H Junior Leadership and camping programs is evident through the outstanding accomplishments of her club members.

Elizabeth “Liz” Pursley
For 30 years, Liz Pursley has served as an advisor to a 4-H club composed primarily of low-income, disadvantaged youth. During this time, she had demonstrated patience and tolerance, and has put forth the extra effort needed to work with youth who have few resources, low self-esteem, and little parental support. Liz has done considerable work with the Warren County 4-H Advisory Committee, serving in a multitude of capacities. She has written letters to state and federal legislators when Extension funds were in danger of being cut and was instrumental in getting additional funds in her county Extension budget. She and her husband, Lou, have been strong supporters of the 4-H International Program and have hosted a dozen IFYE's, a LABO coordinator, and an advisor to the Ambassador group from Spain.
A former 4-H Agent best summarized Liz's influence on the 4-H program in Warren County: She is always the calming force. She can see both sides of an issue and can summarize both sides for the group. Liz is open to new ideas and innovations and is able to influence others. She is a great support to our 4-H program.
1987 Hall of Fame

Arthur C. Dannecker, Jr.
As a 4-H volunteer, Art Dannecker has given selflessly for the benefit of 4-H members, advisors, and the total program. He feels 4-H is a unique program for teaching youth and adults. From 1955 to 1979 Art played a major role in the development and continued support of Ohio 4-H Leadership Camp, the state 4-H Safety Program, and the state 4-H Safety Speaking Contest. He also gave generously of his time serving on the Board of Directors of the Ohio 4-H Foundation for many years.
As a public speaker, Art has the unique ability to inspire his listeners and encourage them to reach beyond their potential. He is truly an individual committed to "Making the Best Better."

D. Merrill Davis
Merrill Davis has contributed to the quality of life for all those who have been associated with his unique talents. In addition to advancing the excellence of 4-H, singing in community, county, state and national events, he has shared his talent with various organizations for more than four decades. His aptitude for music teaching led him to prominence in leadership development in Ohio as well as nationwide. He served as the director of music for National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago for 35 years. His continued service to both national and state leadership development was recognized with the National 4-H Leadership Award in 1955. Because of his national prominence, he was also selected as consultant for the first revision of the National 4-H Club Songbook. Leadership development skills, song leading techniques, and music taught by D. Merrill Davis are still being used in many Ohio 4-H camps, as well as many 4-H camps across the nation.

Hazel P. Hahn
Hazel P. Hahn has dedicated herself to the 4-H program for more than 37 years. She and her club members have left a mark which will be carried on by many future generations. Her desire and ability to give her members that personal touch makes Hazel stand out from the rest. Her teaching input does not stop with the local club. She has shared her experiences and ideas on numerous committees, both at the county and state levels. She has also touched the lives of exchange students from across the globe and has positively shaped their opinions of the United States. Hazel has displayed a level of dedication to the 4-H program that few can match. By giving of her time, money, and expertise, Hazel Hahn has positively impacted many lives.
Mary E. Mott
Mary E. Mott's service as a Greene County 4-H advisor for 42 years speaks to the tremendous commitment she has to the 4-H program. Mary was a member of the Greene County 4-H Committee for 14 years and representative to the State 4-H Committee for two years. During her time on the Greene County 4-H Committee, she was instrumental in piloting numerous projects, including Outdoor Cookery, Meal Planning, and Health and Safety. During her years as a dedicated advisor, she and her club were able to branch out and accomplish many new challenges within the county. Because of her willingness to serve, cooperation, and dedication to the 4-H program, she has become one of the most outstanding and well respected advisors in the program today.
1986 Hall of Fame

Bob W. Bradley
Bob Bradley has been a Wood County 4-H Horse Club advisor for many years, yet his involvement in 4-H has not been limited to just countywide programs. He has also been actively involved in 4-H at at the local, district, and state levels. Bob formed the Wood County 4-H Horse Advisory Council in 1969, which he continues to work with in an advisory capacity. From 1972 through 1981, he organized and directed the Defiance Area Saddle Horse Camp, which was the first of its kind in the state. More than five hundred boys and girls from nine northwest counties attended the camp. At the state level, Bob has helped with State 4-H Saddle Horse clinics for both 4-H members and advisors.
Probably the most important aspect of Bob's contribution has been his ability to create a spirit of cooperation and goodwill among those with whom he works. He has devoted much of his life to helping shape the lives of young and old alike though the 4-H program.

Crawford E. Curry
As a 4-H advisor for more than 43 years in Clinton County, Crawford Curry was honored by the County Agriculture Society as the 1978 Citizen of the Year. Such recognition speaks to the tremendous commitment Crawford has shown to agriculture and the 4-H program. Crawford was a member of the Clifton County 4-H Committee for 29 years and served as representative to the State Extension Advisory Committee for three years. During this time, as a County 4-H Committee member, he was instrumental in raising hundreds of dollars for the Camp Clifton Development Fund and securing sponsorship to send county youth to State 4-H Congress.
As a hog producer, Crawford spent hundreds of hours helping members with their livestock projects, as well as directing their activities towards improving their community. Members who are now productive citizens in the county remember the positive influence Crawford had on their lives.
Robert E. Jackson
Having completed 36 years as a 4-H advisor, Bob Jackson has directly influenced the lives of hundreds of Logan County youth. As a club advisor, he was always willing to share his talent to helping young people achieve more through their 4-H projects. He could account for at least 20 4-H alumni who went on to become advisors within their communities. Bob also served as a representative to many district and state 4-H advisory committees. He was influential in raising funds for the betterment of 4-H. Through his leadership approximately $10,000 was raised to award the Camp Clifton Development Fund and more than $30,000 for the construction of a 4-H Exhibit Building on the fairgrounds.
Because of Bob's dedication to 4-H, a wealth of opportunities continue to be provided to youth and adults in Logan County.

Mildred C. Rowland
Mildred Rowland's long term commitment to serving as a Lorain County 4-H advisor for 47 years adds up to an overwhelming contribution of time and energy. Over the years, she became known for her successful relationship with young people; helping them through emotional, as well family problems. She has served as a valuable resource person for new advisors in need of counsel and assistance in her community. Mildred has been involved though 4-H in the restoration and maintenance of the Rochester Center Congregational Church built in 1842. Since that time, many hours of labor and resources have been devoted to preserving the building for future generations.
In 1982, Mildred was instrumental in the development of a county 4-H Advisor Handbook. It has served as a model for other county handbooks in the district. Her legacy reflects the genuine concern and commitment she has toward improving the 4-H program in Lorain County.
1985 Hall of Fame

Betty Beck
Betty Beck has been a key leader at the local and state levels for 35 years. She is a standing member of the Warren County 4-H Committee and has served on both the State 4-H Advisory Committee and Eaton Area 4-H Committee. Her involvement has helped to shape Extension and set current policy, impacting the quality of today's program. Her varied experiences and sensitive insights into people make her thoughts and opinions valuable contributions.
Since the mid 1960's, Betty has served as the Warren County fundraising chairperson. Her involvement has made it possible for 4-H members and volunteers to participate in county, state, national, and international 4-H programs each year. She also personally sponsors a county awards program for members enrolled in Food and International Flavor projects. Betty's work exemplifies her belief in young people and the 4-H motto: "To Make the Best Better." She is a role model who significantly influences the lives of both young people and adults on the local, state, and international levels.

Lois M. Boyer
Lois Boyer is known for going the extra mile in 4-H service to her community, state, and country. As a key leader and advisor for 35 years, she has shared many talents. She has helped others to develop leadership skills; and by caring for others, she has helped to make the world a better place. Her contributions include: organizing urban township Rural Life Sunday programs, involving youth and adults in 4-H citizenship programs, chairing county fundraising efforts, volunteering at state 4-H events, and serving as an active member of local and state Extension Advisory Committees. As president of Ohio Women in Traffic Safety, she initiated the effort to make child restraints mandatory in Ohio and to increase the penalties for DWI convictions.
Many of the 4-H members that Lois guided are now in influential positions in almost every state. More than 20 are now, or have been, 4-H advisors. Her long-term contributions are making a difference throughout the state.

Mary Lou Pfeiffer Saunway
Mary Lou Pfeiffer Saunway has been instrumental in giving Ohio 4-H a sense of heritage by helping to strengthen the foundation upon which the organization is built. She has kept the memory of 4-H founder A.B. Graham alive through speaking engagements as well as by recording and broadcasting Armchair Chats with A.B. Graham as he told the 4-H story. She has shown her dedication to the unity of the 4-H community by organizing the Hardin County 4-H Alumni Group as well as initiating the first 4-H Alumni and Booster Newsletter. She has also supported the 4-H program by hosting and sponsoring several international and exchange students. She served six years as an Ohio 4-H Foundation Board member and has financially supported a variety of 4-H programs on the county and state levels.
Mary Lou is listed in "Who's Who of American Women." With her emphasis on world peace and helping people understand each other, she has made a significant difference by "Making the Best Better" for the youth of today and tomorrow.

Henry H. Schriver
Henry Schriver has become known as a great leader and teacher of 4-H youth, advisors, and professional staff through his work with local, state, national, and international 4-H programs. Cooperation is a theme Henry has always stressed. He has set an example for working together to accomplish important goals. One of his many projects was the initiation of a two-ribbon recognition system which gives all members the opportunity to earn a blue ribbon regardless of their economic situation. He helped to keep teenage 4-H members engaged in their communities by having them supervise a swimming program for handicapped children. He also organized a community-wide health, safety,and recreation evening. He also hosted Citizenship Washington Focus participants and has contributed to international programs.
As a professional lecturer, he has challenged thousands of members, parents, volunteers, and professionals throughout the world to look beyond their present situation to "Make the Best Better" for the future. Because of Henry's contributions, 4-H members have learned the real meaning of leadership and achievement through cooperation.
1984 Hall of Fame

David Dawson
Through his ten years of service, David Dawson has made major contributions to 4-H on the county, state and national levels. He has been a 4-H advisor in Portage County for ten years and a key leader for eight years. He has served on the county's Horse Committee, 4-H Advisory Council, and 4-H Program Committee. His involvement in the local area includes chairing Trail Ride and Horse Seminars, the Saddle Horse Advisory Committee and teaching area and state in-service workshops on Volunteers in Middle Management. At the state level, David has recruited legislative and financial support for various Ohio State University Extension committee projects. Also, he aided in the state 4-H promotion involving all three of the Goodyear Blimps. In 1982 , he was awarded a 4-H Buckeye Clover Award. Nationally, David was a panel member for a workshop on Volunteers in Middle Management and participated in the National Extension Lay Leaders Conference.
David Dawson has made many significant contributions to the 4-H program during his years of service and is a strong, positive example for both youth and adults.

Chester McDaniel
Chester McDaniel has influenced more than 1,000 4-H members during his 51 years as a 4-H advisor. He has helped 30 members earn trips to Ohio 4-H Congress, more than 15 members win various state awards, and two members receive National Awards. Furthermore, as the owner operator of a swine farm and one who has exhibited at the Fairfield County Fair since 1929 and at the Ohio State Fair since 1933, he has made facilities available to county 4-H groups for fitting and show training.
Chester has served as a member of the county 4-H Advisory Board Council and as chairperson for the Finance Committee for the construction of a Swine building. He has been called upon by the county Fair Board and various 4-H supporters for his recommendations and expertise on improvement and development of activities. Chester always encourages good records, showmanship, sportsmanship, and cooperation among all 4-H members. He is to be commended for his dedication and service to the 4-H program.

John T. Mount
John T. Mount, in approximately 50 years of service to Ohio 4-H, has both contributed immensely to the program and served as an outstanding role model for others. He began his adult affiliation with the program in Putnam County as an Associate 4-H Club Agent. In that position, he impressed agents and community members with his enthusiasm.
John joined the State 4-H Staff in 1946, and in his seven-year tenure, helped to initiate the Junior Leader program, 4-H Leadership Camp, the Tractor Maintenance program and the IFYE program. He supported the development of the Ohio 4-H Foundation and an Extension-owned 4-H camp. In 1963, he received Ohio's Alumni Recognition Award and in 1977, the Buckeye Clover Award. During his career of several administrative positions with The Ohio State University, including a vice presidency, John volunteered his service and counsel to 4-H programs and 4-H families. He also is a member of the Ohio 4-H Foundation Board.
John has in many ways contributed to the communities of Ohio. Most important of all, he has encouraged young people to excel in leadership and to "Make the Best Better".

Olive Spinks
As a 4-H advisor for 30 years, Olive Spinks has significantly contributed to the 4-H program in Greene County. She uses her creativity to design new activities and programs, such as modeling contests for all 4-H members, a pork suede sewing contest, and various educational clinics. For National 4-H Week, Olive's 4-H Club in Jamestown designs and makes window displays, as well as large signs for placement on the courthouse lawn. Additionally, she freely shares her passion and talent for gardening by conducting vegetable clinics and serving as a judge for other counties. She has served on many committees, including the 4-H Home Economics Committee, county Extension 4-H Committee. and General Activities Committee. She has helped collect donations for a new 4-H exhibition building and county fair 4-H trophies.
While her personal schedule is full, Olive has never been too busy to share her time and talents. Ohio 4-H is honored to include her among the Hall of Fame members.
1983 Hall of Fame

Arthur Carrier
Art has been a supporter of 4-H since his membership in a local club in the 1920's. He served as an advisor in Medina County while working as a farm underwriter for Ohio Farmers Insurance, later known as Westfield Companies. One of his primary responsibilities while at Ohio Farmers was to serve as company coordinator with the 4-H program. His involvement began with the companies' first sponsorship of 4-H, and he continued working with these programs through his retirement in 1975 and his 45th year as a 4-H advisor. Art has also been active throughout the county and state by serving on the Extension 4-H Committee for ten years, the Medina County Fair Board for 12 years, and the state Future Farmers of America Foundation Board.
Additionally, Art has shown dedication to safety as a priority for youth. He helped to initiate the first county-wide Safety Speaking contest. These contests are now held throughout the state with competitions at the county, area, and state levels. For ten years, one of Art's pet projects was teaching safety at the annual 4-H Leadership Camp at Camp Ohio. Art also served on the governor's Committee on Highway Safety.

Mary Curry
Mary Curry has been an active 4-H supporter for 45 years in Clinton County as an advisor for more then 700 boys and girls. She has spent hundreds of hours helping youth with sewing and flower gardening projects and has served as an advisor for many 4-H floats. She has also served on the Clinton County 4-H Council and has been chairman of the Clinton County 4-H Foods Kitchen since 1952. Mary also has contributed much to her community by serving on numerous committees. In 1978, the Clinton County Agriculture Society honored her as Citizen of the Year for her contributions to her home, community, and the 4-H program.
Mary has always offered a lending hand to anyone who has needed help. Through the sharing of her talents with the youth of her community as well as her dedication and leadership to the 4-H program over the past 45 years, Mary Curry has had a lasting effect on many boys and girls.

J. Lynn Gower
J. Lynn Gower was a man who contributed much to his fellow men and county, as well as to agriculture and 4-H programs in his lifetime. Lynn was president of the first Boys and Girls Agriculture Club (now called 4-H) in Springfield, Ohio, under the direction of A.B. Graham. He continued to be involved in his community as both an educator and farmer and took personal interest in the development of youth, returning to his 4-H club to serve as an advisor in 1928.
In later years, he recalled the first 4-H club in 1902. He explained that it was an organized club with a definite enrollment, meetings with instructions by Mr. Graham, followed by work, exhibits, written papers, and trips. He also believed that fairs would not be what they are today if it were not for 4-H clubs. In 1932, he unveiled a bronze tablet in Springfield, Ohio, dedicated to the members of the first Boys and Girls Agricultural Club of the United States, as founded in 1902 by A.B. Graham. It hangs today in the Clark County Building, which was dedicated as a national shrine to the birthplace of 4-H. J. Lynn Gower, who died on July 28, 1976, was a true pioneer.

Grace Harsh
Grace Harsh has been an unselfish, loving, and caring 4-H advisor in Hocking County for 52 years. She will always be known by the hundreds of youth she helped to mold through the sharing of her many experiences. There were several two-generation memberships and even one three-generation membership in her club during her years of service. She has always been a person willing to lend a helping hand and often did countless extra jobs because she sincerely cared about youth.
Grace's dedication and leadership were further demonstrated by her actively serving on various 4-H committees during those 52 years. She served as secretary for the State 4-H Advisory Committee, was a member of both the Hocking County Extension Advisory Committee and Senior Fair Board, and was involved in the planning stages of 4-H advisor training at the district and state level. Grace is also a positive supporter of her community, where she has made an outstanding contribution to improving the quality of rural life. Her endeavors to improve human conditions through education and leadership cannot be challenged.
1982 Hall of Fame

Bob Evans
Bob Evans, founder of Bob Evans Farms and the popular restaurant chain, has given generously of his time, talents, and money to support 4-H. He promotes Conservation and Natural Resources Education books for 4-H members and leaders, has sponsored Acre for Wildlife projects at five camp sites, and supported major improvements for Canter's Cave 4-H Camp near Jackson with a $250,000 challenge grant. He initiated and sponsors the Ohio 4-H Competitive Trail Ride each year at his Rio Grande farm and gives Quarter Horse colts to select 4-H members in Ohio and other Mid-western states.
Bob has encouraged the improvement of swine production by supporting many county and state fairs. He also sponsors the trophies for the 4-H Natural Resources Day at the Ohio State Fair. Bob has also served six years on the Ohio 4-H Foundation Board of Directors. He is a member of the 4-H A.B. Graham Club as well as the Presidents Club of The Ohio State University Development Fund. The work of 4-H has been enhanced by the interest and work of Bob Evans.

Robert L. Hutchinson
For more than 36 years, Bob Hutchinson has been involved with 4-H. He has been an advisor for 25 years, with more than 200 young people participating in his club. One of the unique features about Bob and his wife Barbra is that they stress family involvement. The parents have a meeting at the same time as their 4-H club meets. Bob is also very active on a countywide basis by serving on many committees. He served as chairman of the Greene County 4-H Committee and was a member for two six-year terms. He is a member of the 4-H and FFA Beef Committee, 4-H and FFA Dairy Committee, 4-H and FFA Sale Committee, and represents 4-H on the Fair Board.
Bob was instrumental in starting and gaining recognition for the dairy beef project. He also assists with the 4-H officer's training program, general livestock judging, and showman of showmen contest. He is a member of Greene County Extension Support Committee and the County Extension Advisory Committee. In addition, he is active in other community organizations. Being involved is a way of life for the Hutchinson family.

Lenora M. McLeish
Lenora M. McLeish, better known to her friends and 4-H associates as Mac, has dedicated her energy, time, and talents to boys and girls through 4-H. She has been the 4-H Advisor/Director of Licking County 4-H Band Club for 33 years. She and her husband, John, work very closely together in managing the club with more than 200 members each year. The band performs 22 to 30 concerts every summer including the Ohio State Fair. For the past 25 years, Mac has directed a week long 4-H Band Camp at Camp Ohio to prepare the group for concerts, as well as to provide opportunities for leadership development and personal development.
She and her husband work full-time with the band during the Hartford Fair in Licking County. They led a successful $100,000 fund raising campaign to build a 4-H Band dormitory on the fairgrounds and the band is now in the process of raising $150,000 to complete an amphitheater for the performing arts at the Fairgrounds. Enthusiastic, talented, dedicated, and creative are just a few words that describe Mrs. McLeish in working with more than 2,500 youth during the past 33 years.

William “Bill” Zipf
Bill Zipf dedicated his life in service to Ohio and the Midwest agriculture industry. Furthermore, he went that extra mile, and was a true friend of 4-H. He was greatly interested and dedicated to recognizing young people involved in the program. Bill recognized 4-H members, advisors, and faculty for 30 years through his newspaper columns, radio, and television programs at the county, state, and national level. His personal interest stories promoted the positive accomplishments of hundreds of 4-H members.
In 1981, a scholarship program was established in his memory by the Columbus Dispatch at The Ohio State University for students majoring in Agricultural Communications and Journalism. He also earned membership in the 4-H A.B. Graham Club posthumously.
1981 Hall of Fame

Carroll E. Frank
Carroll Frank is a very highly motivated individual who for 50 consecutive years has served the 4-H program as an advisor in Wood County. He was a 4-H member for 12 years prior to that. He has proved to be invaluable in his county and was instrumental in reviving the Wood County Fair in 1950, which had not been held since 1927. He subsequently served as the first president of the new Fair Board and held that position for 14 years.
His dedication and guidance has greatly enhanced the 4-H program through the years, particularly through his long-term membership on the Wood County 4-H Committee. He was also heavily involved in setting up 4-H Camps in Wood County in the 1930's. He continues making personal contacts with Wood County businesses in an effort to obtain support for the Wood County 4-H Program. Carroll Frank is a person who has given much time, effort, and caring to youth through his work for Ohio 4-H.

Guy E. Smith
Guy Smith has contributed much to 4-H youth over his 42 years of service. A former 4-H member of eight years, he began his adult role in 1936 as an advisor to an agricultural project club and continued in that capacity through 1979. In addition, he served as a tractor club advisor to an average of ten youth per year from 1954 to 1963. Guy has touched the lives of more than 275 youth through the 4-H clubs he has advised. He has done so all while owning and farming land in three different counties: Greene, Clark, and Madison. (However, most of his 4-H activities have centered in Greene and Clark Counties.)
Among the major contributions made by Guy is his chairing the Livestock Committee, which spearheaded the way toward combining 4-H and FFA livestock shows and sales in Greene County. This has worked extremely well since its inception in the early 1970s. He also helped organize the 4-H Council, as it was known at that time, which was responsible for planning and organizing the 4-H Advisor Recognition Banquet, officer and advisor training, and many other events. Guy won the 4-H Alumni Award in Greene County in 1957 and the Ohio Pork Industry Excellence Award in 1980. Guy's dedication and achievements have strengthened the 4-H program.

Ralph P. Spinks
Ralph P. Spinks has been a solid supporter of 4-H in Greene County by contributing a great amount of energy, time, and talent in the last 27 years. During that time he guided approximately 300 young people in his club. He has recruited 12 other advisors and has been instrumental in starting eight other clubs. He also serves as a key leader for the 4-H Engineering project. Being a strong supporter of 4-H, he has donated trophies for the county fair for more than 18 years. He has also served numerous times as instructor for 4-H officer and advisor training and project clinics.
Ralph has served as chairman of the Building Committee, which was responsible for construction of a new 4-H building in 1962. He has also been instrumental in developing judging and interview procedures as well as helping to promote 4-H by constructing window displays, building floats paraded in Greene County towns, and making 4-H signs for Xenia and Jamestown to promote 4-H Week in the county. Ralph Spinks' many contributions to 4-H show his continued support of Ohio Youth.

Alga "Peg" Weaver
Alga "Peg" Weaver has been involved in 4-H for more than 45 years. Those years include her activities as a member, an advisor in Franklin County, and an Extension Agent specializing in Home Economics. Furthermore, she has given many years in service to the 4-H Program by recruiting advisors and securing money for the Ohio 4-H Foundation. As a young teenager, Alga gave one of the first radio broadcasts telling about 4-H Camp Ohio and encouraging boys and girls to join 4-H and attend its camp. She has continued speaking up for 4-H ever since.
A member of the A.B. Graham Club, Peg continued serving 4-H by providing a scholarship to The Ohio State University College of Human Ecology for a worthy 4-H member.
1980 Hall of Fame

Avinelle Corfman
Avinelle Corfman has been an extremely active citizen within her community of Thurman and throughout Trumbull County. She was involved with 4-H for 57 years, 37 of which were spent in the service of Ohio 4-H as a club advisor and 12 of which as a consultant key leader. Among the 250 members she advised, five were national 4-H award winners, 28 attended Ohio 4-H Congress, six participated in the Citizenship Short Course, one was a 4-H Program Assistant, and fifteen now serve as 4-H advisors.
Avinelle was involved in many ways beyond her local club and community. She participated in the selection of the first State 4-H Camp held at Nelson Dodd Camp, near Brink Haven. She also served as president of the local 4-H Advisory Committee and was Den of Girls at Ohio 4-H Congress. For five years, she did a monthly radio program for 4-H and was one of the first to participate in 4-H classes at the State Fair.
Within her community, she contributed by serving as a school teacher for 50 years. During World War II, she worked with the USO and was a recipient of an award for 200 hours of service. Finally, she served as a member of Farm Bureau for five decades and was juvenile matron of the Grange during her 50-year membership. Avinelle Corfman has been a vital force, both in her community and in the Ohio 4-H Program.

Mary Norris
Mary Norris has been a very highly motivated individual, who for 46 years has enthusiastically dedicated herself to helping the youth of Monroe County. She has been an outstanding club advisor for 46 years, served as adult counselor at 4-H Camp Piedmont for three years, chaired 4-H fundraising activities for six years, volunteered as a 4-H Project Judge for several years, and was the Assistant 4-H Agent in Monroe County from 1953 to 1955.
Mary has served her community, county, and state as an active member of a variety of committees since 1920. She was a charter member of the Monroe County 4-H Committee in the 1920's and has been an active member of the County Extension Advisory Council, as well as the Area Extension Advisory Committee. She has also been an active member of the State 4-H Advisory Committee and State Extension Advisory Committee. Mary has truly been a community leader who has dedicated her life to helping youth. For decades, she has been one of the most respected role models for Monroe County youth.

Leslie “Blair” Porteus
Blair Porteus has been a staunch supporter of 4-H and the entire Cooperative Extension Service in Coshocton County for 47 years. Blair has chaired the Coshocton County 4-H Advisory Committee, and has served on the county Extension Advisory Committee for 12 years as well as the Wooster Area Extension Advisory Committee, the Junior Fair Committee and the General Livestock Committee. He has been closely involved in planning and conducting the 4-H Steer Carcass Show, the County Tractor Rodeo, and the Junior Fair Livestock Sale. Additionally, he was an advisor for 38 years for the General Livestock and Tractor Clubs.
His dedication and leadership has branched into other areas of the community as well. He has been president of the Coshocton County School Board for eight years and is currently secretary for the County Memorial Hospital Board and president of the Coshocton County Farm Bureau. He has also served youth through his leadership in FFA, Grange, and other community organizations. Blair Porteus is a man who believes in and expresses high ideals to the young boys and girls in Coshocton County.
Benjamin Lloyd Roby
Benjamin Roby, better known as Lloyd, has served as a 4-H advisor for 37 years. His enthusiastic support for the boys and girls of his community of Amlin has prompted them to take full advantage of the many opportunities that are available through the 4-H program. He has served on the Madison County Senior Fair Board for more than 30 years and provided that vital link between the Fair Board and the county 4-H Program. Through his encouragement, many improvements have been made to the existing 4-H buildings at the Madison County Fair. His support has even resulted in the construction of new buildings. He has been instrumental in the Fair Board's continued support of 4-H activities such as Ohio 4-H Congress scholarships and sponsorships of the Madison County 4-H Advisors Recognition Banquet. Moreover, he has helped many individuals to make the transition from 4-H members to advisors.
Lloyd has been active in the Young Adult Farmer Club for many years, participating in activities as well as attending classes. He has also worked on the County-State Foundation Fund Raising Committee, the county Extension Advisory Committee, and the Junior Fair Committee, and recently was elected for another term on the Madison County 4-H Committee. By setting goals and demonstrating determination, Lloyd has set a very positive example for Madison County youth. He remains committed to meeting their needs and supporting their interests.