2009 Hall of Fame

George Arnold
George has faithfully served the Ashtabula County 4-H program for 50 years. For many years, he was an advisor of a woodworking and engineering projects club. During those years, he became active in providing leadership beyond the 4-H club and was soon elected as president of the county 4-H committee. His desire to serve was reflected by his dedicated assistance and leadership with the construction of fair booths. He has served 4-H outside of the county for years by serving as a volunteer judge as well as judging at the Ohio State Fair. George continues to be involved as a 4-H volunteer. He is currently the Vice-President of the 4-H Committee as well as the Treasurer of the county 4-H Foundation. George loves working with kids and watching them become well-rounded adults. His service has inspired others to be part of the 4-H program.

Anne Foltz
Anne has been a 4-H supporter and advocate for many years. Originally from Ottawa County, she worked tirelessly throughout her adult life to strengthen and expand 4-H. Many local 4-H groups have benefitted from the programs and facilities which resulted from her fund-raising efforts and leadership with the Ohio 4-H Foundation. Her recent work included helping to make the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center a reality and to increase the Ohio 4-H Foundation Endowment Fund. Anne’s support for the state 4-H photography program and the mentorship and role modeling she provides for staff, volunteers and members alike have motivated many others to be involved in and support 4-H. Anne is and has always been an enthusiastic, hard-working leader and supporter of the Ohio 4-H Youth Development program. She exemplifies the 4-H pledge, devoting her head, heart, hands and health to improving 4-H clubs in her communities, state, country and world.

Donna Morton
Donna is extremely dedicated to 4-H. She exhibits a quiet leadership style and accomplishes many great things. As a Master Clothing Educator, hundreds of youth and adults have learned to sew and improved their sewing skills. She routinely teaches at a multi-county sewing smorgasbord, the Ohio 4-H Volunteer Conference and at the North Central 4-H Regional Volunteer Forum. She serves on a state committee that meets twice a year and contributes to state policies regarding the Ohio 4-H International Program. She is one of a select few that are invited each year to help with the orientation and departure programs. Donna has served on the steering committee for the Volunteer Conference and also the 2008 North Central Regional Volunteer Forum. Donna is active with these groups. Her contributions to these state-wide conferences help educate and inspire 4-H volunteers across Ohio and beyond.

Kris Simpson
Kris is the epitome of a 4-H volunteer. She willingly gives her time because she truly believes in the 4-H mission. Kris has a unique approach to 4-H volunteerism, because she helps develop youth through community clubs and junior fair work, but also addresses the needs of adult volunteers by assisting with the Ohio 4-H Volunteer Conference and the North Central Regional Volunteer Forum. Kris doesn’t just sit back and let others do the work. She jumps in and assumes leadership roles. This pattern has been evident throughout her 19 years of 4-H volunteer involvement. She started her own club after two years as an assistant advisor and has been an organizational advisor ever since. She has served as volunteer and chair of Ohio 4-H Volunteer Conference and North Central Regional Volunteer Forum. Kris does not seek recognition. Her motives, without hidden agendas, allow her to do what needs done in the best and most efficient manner.
2008 Hall of Fame

Catherine Agle
Jim and Catherine Agle and their families have contributed more than 221 years of volunteer service to the Clark County 4-H program. Four generations of Agle’s have participated as members, alumni and volunteers. They have served in key roles on numerous Clark County 4-H Committees to make a difference in the quality of the 4-H program. Making the Best Better for more than 2050 club members serves as a significant mark on the Clark County 4-H program. Hundreds of former club members carry on values instilled under the leadership of their advisors Jim and Catherine. Those not leading are supporting positive youth development as 4-H parents. Jim and Catherine have also significantly influenced and contributed to establishing funds to benefit current and future 4-H members through the Clark County 4-H Endowment Fund. As Jim and Catherine often shared, “4-H has, is and always will be our life – we plan to touch the hearts, hands, and minds of many more youth.”

Jim Agle
Jim and Catherine Agle and their families have contributed more than 221 years of volunteer service to the Clark County 4-H program. Four generations of Agle’s have participated as members, alumni and volunteers. They have served in key roles on numerous Clark County 4-H Committees to make a difference in the quality of the 4-H program. Making the Best Better for more than 2050 club members serves as a significant mark on the Clark County 4-H program. Hundreds of former club members carry on values instilled under the leadership of their advisors Jim and Catherine. Those not leading are supporting positive youth development as 4-H parents. Jim and Catherine have also significantly influenced and contributed to establishing funds to benefit current and future 4-H members through the Clark County 4-H Endowment Fund. As Jim and Catherine often shared, “4-H has, is and always will be our life – we plan to touch the hearts, hands, and minds of many more youth".
Paul Boyd
Paul is a quiet individual who does not seek the limelight. He has a strong work ethic which keeps him working at his dairy operation despite the fact that he is retired. Paul has served as a positive role model to his club members, practicing good conservation methods and teaching youth how to learn by showing how things are done properly. Known as the Barn Owl Man, Paul continues on in 4-H, celebrating 60 years as an advisor in Holmes County. Paul’s interests in 4-H have been in the out of doors, nature and conservation practices. He has taught hundreds of youth about these topics during his six decades as an advisor. Paul never grew tired of the 4-H projects. 4-H youth are comfortable with Paul because of his easy going nature and the interesting things he teaches them. Paul has made many friends through 4-H over the decades and they share their love of the outdoors in activities like fishing and birding.

William "Bill" Henderson
There is no one person in northwest Ohio who has had more positive influence on youth, adults and 4-H professionals than Bill. For 36 years, as Allen County 4-H Agent, NW District Specialist and in his current role as 4-H volunteer, Bill has lived a life of unselfish service to others and it has had a profound impact on the lives of many. As District 4-H Specialist, Bill helped mold many 4-H Educators giving them a sense of team unity and passion to strive for new creative ways to teach youth. He has been called upon to serve as instructor for many recreational workshops around the United States. Today you will find him teaching new camp counselors, judging youth at county fairs, leading recreational programs and giving leadership to the 4-H Photography day at the Ohio State Fair. Bill says often, “People do not bore holes in boats they hope to float.”
2007 Hall of Fame

Tom McNutt
Tom is a leader of leaders. He is able to envision, gain the cooperation of others and alter the way others think about things. Tom has dedicated his life to the betterment of youth. His 26 years in Extension have helped develop thousands of youth as leaders for tomorrow. He has assisted in raising money for the Franklin County Friends of 4-H program. Under Tom’s direction and development, this organization of people dedicated to the betterment of the 4-H program raised $46,000. Also his financial contributions to the Franklin County Junior Fair have supported hundreds of youth. He has served on the Foundation Board of the All American Youth Horse Show. Under his leadership the show which started at the Franklin County Fairgrounds, has grown and now resides at the Ohio Expo Center. Tom has a great sense of humor and always looks for the good in others.

Doug Michaelis
Doug’s enthusiasm for recreation, his dedication to the 4-H philosophy, and his gift of teaching have made him a valuable asset to dozens of Ohio 4-H camping programs. After 27 years of 4-H volunteer service, Doug still has the passion for helping youth reach their fullest potential. Doug has been the organizational advisor of the Totogany Four Leaf Clovers 4-H club since 1979. As a member of the Wood County Senior Fair Board, he has given thousands of hours to Junior Fair programs, assisted teen boards in raising money to build the Livestock Exhibition Barn and is the type of volunteer who will stay up all night to assist Junior Fair Board members when loading animals for the fair. Doug’s vision for the 4-H program expanded beyond the local club and county to the collegiate level. He was convinced that Bowling Green State University needed a Collegiate 4-H Club. After endless hours of recruiting members and meeting with University faculty, the 4-H club was born and is still going strong today. Doug is an inspiration to our community and his positive attitude is addictive. He is a true advocate for youth.

Karen Murray
Karen has made significant contributions in the growth and development of the Lorain County 4-H endowment, and the Ohio 4-H Center Campaign. Her efforts in these areas have produced benefits for 4-H youth, volunteers and staff throughout Ohio. A 4-H volunteer in Lorain County for 34 years. Karen has served on the County Extension Advisory Committee, 4-H Advisory Committee, and the 4-H Endowment Board. She has served as a project judge, volunteer applicant interviewer and coordinator of State Fair selections. In addition, she served as the Ohio 4-H Center Campaign Chair for Lorain County. She has been one of the dedicated volunteers who helped to build a 4-H endowment that has become the largest county 4-H endowment with The Ohio State University. She is a tireless promoter of 4-H and truly believes in the benefits of 4-H involvement for children and teens.

Sharon O’Brock
Sharen has been actively involved with 4-H work in Mahoning County for 35 years. She organized the first county goat club, thirty-three years ago, and the Village Varieties 4-H Club thirty-one years ago. Each group has grown to include over fifty members! She encourages 4-H youth to be well rounded by taking a variety of projects, participating in state and county 4-H activities and camps. Her leadership abilities have provided many youth opportunities to gain rewarding experiences and knowledge at both county and state levels. Sharen was instrumental in developing and establishing the 4-H Endowment Fund for Mahoning County.
2006 Hall of Fame

Diana Henderson
Diana has been a 4-H advisor for the past 39 years in Clinton County. In 1966 she started a club that primarily concentrated on sheep as well as demonstrations and safety speeches. Diana teaches 4-H members patience through training of their sheep and dogs and the importance of working hard to reach their goals. She also encourages parents to be involved with their children through 4-H in order to create a closer bond in the family. Diana organized and sponsored a series of learning games years before the formal skillathon kits were developed. She has served as a facilitator for the dog skillathon at the Ohio State Fair. She believes that even though many 4-H members do not have the resources to purchase top quality animals that can win championships, providing these members with knowledge and skills can reward them for life. Through her active participation in the 4-H Volunteer Recognition program and the Ohio 4-H Volunteer Conference, she has shared her expertise with other volunteers and has gleaned valuable knowledge that she has shared with advisors and members in the county.

Leslie Milleson
Leslie has served Lawrence County and Ohio 4-H in many capacities during the past 25 years. On the county level, she has served as a club advisor, county Livestock Judging Coach and key leader, dog obedience key leader and 4-H Livestock Committee Member. At the state level, she has served as the Livestock Judging Team Coach, the Ohio State Fair Beef Superintendent and serves on the state 4-H Dog Committee. In any endeavor that Leslie undertakes, she embodies professionalism and perseverance. Leslie always completes a task and completes it to the best of her ability. Leslie is an excellent role model especially for young girls. She is an example of a woman in a place of influence who is listened to by all people around the table. Leslie’s support of the 4-H program has brought in many new supporters due to the respect she commands in the county.

Judy Proeschel
Judy has been an active 4-H volunteer in Butler County for 37 years. As a 4-H club leader, she has advised hundreds of 4-H youth. She is a dedicated member of the 4-H and FCS Advisory Committees. On the 4-H Committee, she has given hours reviewing report forms, serves on the awards selection committee, and was involved with quilting the Butler County 4 H Centennial quilt in 2002. Judy was instrumental in setting up the 4-H Food & Nutrition judging, as well as staffing a station for the Food & Nutrition Skillathon competition at the fair. She assists the Junior Fair Board with nutrition judging, skillathon competitions, nutrition bake-in’s and shopping bag programs throughout fair week. She has assisted with Sewing Camp each summer and regularly gives her support to the county 4-H fundraisers.

Bill Wachtel
Bill has influenced many lives in his 42 years as a leader in Holmes County. Bill spent countless hours instructing members in many different projects and in showing, fitting, and behavior in the show ring; teaching them to make the best better. He felt the need to get the 4-H families involved in all activities. When leading county the dairy judging team, he wanted the parents, as well as members, to be aware of the type of their animals. Bill has served on the Holmes County 4-H Committee, including a term as President. He served on the Ohio State 4-H Committee for several years, helping to set good policies for the state 4-H program. Bill credits his success to his 4-H experiences, having his father as mentor, a love of young people and determination and hard work.
2005 Hall of Fame

Sheila Buhshong
Sheila is a 25 year 4-H volunteer in Montgomery County. She exemplifies and practices the essential elements of 4-H youth development: belonging, independence, mastery and generosity. Sheila is active with the Ohio 4-H Horse Advisory Committee, has helped establish two state-level 4-H events that do not require horse ownership, the Groom and Clean Contest and the 4-H Hippology Contest. She also helped develop the 4-H Horse Skillathon Learning Kit used in Ohio and across the nation. The greatest impact that Sheila's work has had on 4-H in Ohio has been her work in starting and encouraging participation in Ohio 4-H Horse non-show events. Not every family can afford a show horse. Not every child can ride effectively in a show ring. However, neither of those situations should stop a child from learning about their passion for horses and the horse industry.

William Karcher
Bill has taught countless Ohio 4-H youth and their families about poultry for nearly 30 years. He is best known for working with the Ohio State Fair Junior Fair Poultry Show and as a poultry judge at Ohio and Indiana county fairs. Bill is always eager to teach a clinic for a county 4-H program covering topics from flock management, breeding birds, incubation, showmanship skills and more. Bill helped to develop the Poultry Learning Laboratory Kit used in Ohio and across the nation. He coordinates state-wide 4-H poultry clinics for youth and adults and has taught many poultry sessions at Ohio 4-H Youth Expo and the Ohio 4-H Volunteer Conference. Bill has built and strengthened the Ohio 4-H Poultry Judging Contest and established the Ohio 4-H Avian Bowl Competition as well as the Turkey BBQ, Chicken BBQ, and Egg Preparation Demonstration Contests.

Gladys Saling
Gladys has been and continues to be an avid supporter of Ohio State University and the Noble County 4-H Youth Development program. She has served as a 4-H volunteer for the past 42 years. The 4-H program has been an integral part of her life and the life of her family. Her seven children have all been 4-H members. She has also helped prepare each youth that was a member of her 4-H club to become a caring, compassionate and responsible adult. She is willing to try new challenges and to learn every day how to become a better volunteer, friend, and parent. Serving on state, district and county 4-H and Extension advisory committees has always been a pleasure and learning experience for Gladys.

Dan Tronge
Dan is a role model. He has been involved on the township, county, state and national levels. He has an amazing list of accomplishments and service to his world. With more than 33 years of involvement, he has covered almost every aspect of 4-H. Dan has been a presenter at numerous county, district and state 4-H activities. He may have started as an advisor of the Portage County beef steer club, but went on to include beef committee member, chair of the county advisory committee, chair of the State 4-H Advisory committee, representative to legislative breakfasts and numerous specialty programs.
2004 Hall of Fame

William Buchman
Bill has wrestled run-away show steers, taught youth games and wooden puzzles at 2:00 a.m., shared his 4-H passion with State Legislators in Columbus, mentored generations of woodworkers and made milkshakes for camp scholarships. He has remained dedicated, supportive, and enthusiastic through out years of 4-H club meetings, decades of county fairs, and thousands of hours of committee meetings. In 2002, Bill was honored as the Northwest District of the Meritorious Service to 4-H Award. In brief, Bill has always been there for the youth of Wood County and Ohio.

Clarence Cunningham
Clarence is a major supporter of 4-H and an advocate who has worked tirelessly throughout his adult life to strengthen and expand Extension and Ohio 4-H, and to make our programs more accessible to youth and adults throughout the state. His recent work has helped to make the new Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center a reality. Clarence's support for state 4-H leadership programs and incentives have provided motivation for teens throughout the state to be involved in 4-H. Clarence is and has always been an enthusiastic, hard-working leader and supporter of the Ohio 4-H Youth Development program.

Barry Jolliff
Barry is an enthusiastic, friendly, hard-working, inspiring individual who is a tremendous role model, advocate and educator for positive youth social development. His contributions throughout the state and nation in leading and teaching cooperative learning are unsurpassed. Barry is a tireless supporter of 4-H Youth Development from Wayne County. For more than 25 years he has made a very positive difference in the social development aspects of our program through his recreational leadership work with 4-H youth and adults. The professional expertise he has shared with 4-H agents and volunteer staff in providing them with resources and helping them develop skills and abilities for working more effectively with youth has made and will continue to make a difference in the quality of our programs.

Debi Larrick
Debbie has devoted much of her life to the education of youth and adults. As a 30-year advisor of the Rural Mix-Ups 4-H Club, she has touched the lives of over 500 children in her neighborhood. As an 18-year representative to the 4-H Advisory Committee, her influence has reached thousands of youth and adults in Guernsey County. Debbie has been a member of the Ohio Volunteer Conference Planning Committee and is a past co-chair of the North Central Regional Volunteer Forum. She makes volunteering fun for everyone around her. Her contributions include teaching sessions, fund-raising, organizing events, contacting legislators, preparing and serving banquets and program reviews. When Debbie believes in a program, she will find the time and resources to make it happen.
2003 Hall of Fame

Carolyn Cull
Carolyn has been a 35 year 4-H volunteer in Erie County. She has served on the 4-H advisory Committee and was elected to the Erie county 4-H camp Board. Carolyn was co-chairperson for the first North Central Regional volunteer Forum in Ohio. Since then, she has supported forums in multiple committee roles, including volunteer chairperson of this years Ohio 4-H volunteer Conference. Carolyn has received the county's Outstanding Alumni and Meritorious Service awards. Always involved with 4-H, church, and school activities, she influences youth and adults in uncountable ways, and will continue this service as long as she is able.

Tiney McComb
Tiney's contributions to the 4-H program far surpass what is normally expected of community leaders. Tiney has always been willing to support Ohio's 4-H programming and fundraising efforts. Going beyond everyday efforts, Tiney is a visionary and actively engages himself to fulfill his vision and that of the 4-H program. Tiney has the ability to take a thought or idea and turn it into a tremendous opportunity for young people and the program as a 4-H program as a whole. His work and leadership with the Ohio 4-H Foundation Board has been outstanding. This same commitment has continued well after his board involvement ended. The Celebration of Youth was a direct result of Tiney's hopes and dreams of making a lasting contribution to Ohio 4-H. Her is continuing his active engagement as a volunteer by serving as a member of the Nationwide and Ohio 4-H Farm Bureau 4-H center Steering Committee and chair of the individuals sub committee.

Jane Murphy
Jane is an individual who lives and breathes the 4-H way of life. Jane has spent the majority of her life participating in and teaching 4-H principles to everyone she meets. Over the year, Jane has reached more than 1,000 Lawrence County youth as the advisor of two clubs, and a leader at county and state events. She has served more than 25 years on the Lawrence County Extension Advisory Committee, and the district advisory committee. She has become known on the state level as an expert in the area of goats and a person dedicated to helping youth succeed. She has been instrumental in developing skillathon stations in food, clothing, and livestock for the county 4-H program. Jane has taught the countywide dairy quality assurance, served as skillathon facilitator and has taught goat clinics in many counties.

Wilma Zech
Wilma has been a 4-H volunteer for 49 years. She has served on numerous 4-H and Extension committees as well as in middle management roles at county, district and state levels. As a committee member, Wilma brings many ideas to the table. She is not afraid to speak her mind or oppose the majority. She helps group members see all sides of an issue, which strengthens decisions when they are made. She is looked upon in the community as someone who works for and with the Lorain County youth. Volunteering with the church, Farm Bureau, Grange, and Veterans of Foreign Wars, Wilma has always integrated 4-H into her other activities to build broad community support for the 4-H program. Since the 1990's, she has been involved with leadership roles with 4-H Committee, Ohio 4-H Volunteer Conference, the North Central 4-H Volunteer Forum and starting the Lorain County 4-H Endowment. Her contributions and commitment to 4-H just keeps on growing.
2002 Hall of Fame

Kay Griffith
Kay has been an active club advisor for 30 Years and such has graduated hundreds of young people from her 4-H club to "active public service" as volunteers in 4-H and many other local organizations. She enjoys working with teens and tries to instill in them a respect for hard work and a commitment to community service through her own example and involvement. She makes teens feel appreciated and valued. Kay is a no-nonsense kind of person who sets high expectations for young people, and they respect her for this. Kay has also been a mentor for man new advisors and has helped recruit adults into 4-H volunteer work, primarily through her example and numerous affiliations.
Sarah James
Sarah has inspired hundreds of youth and adults in the 4-H program for more than 31 years. She initiated and sponsors a butler County 4-H volunteer award each year. She has been a member of the Butler County 4-H Committee where she has served as president for five of the last 10 years. She attended the North Central Regional Volunteer Forum in Iowa and has participated in the Ohio4-H volunteer Conference for the last several years. Information obtained from these workshops always shared to enhance the county 4-H program. Sarah is involved in planning the county 4-H Centennial Events. Not only is Sarah very involved in 4-H, she is also very active in Farm Bureau and in her church.

Vada Kitts
Vada is a unique individual who has made a strong impression on how Lawrence Country residents view the 4-h program and 4-H volunteers. Mrs. Kitts is best summed up by her own words, "4-H is the best thing that ever happened for young people." Vada spent 40 years teaching youth to believe in themselves, responsibility, teamwork, caring and service. She embodies the principles that make 4-H the premier youth organization in Ohio. Vada has had and continues to be positive influence to encourage people to make service and philanthropy a part of our lives. Her work in the low-income areas of the county and minority groups has aloud new audiences to learn life skills. She is truly the yardstick by which Lawrence County measures 4-H volunteers.

Robert Walter
Robert has worked with the 4-H program in Fairfield County since 1944. He was a 4-H member before becoming an advisor. When he became an advisor of the Carroll Royal Workers 4-H Club, he made a little 4-H club grow into a larger club. He started the Fairfield County 4-H Tractor Club in 1950. Mr. Walker is a hard working volunteer, but is gentle and easy-going. He strives to keep current with today's technology, and keeps bettering himself. He does not show favoritism to any of his 4-H members. He uses his head for clearer thinking for his club, community, country, and world. He is a dependable, reliable person.
2001 Hall of Fame

Charlene "Charlie" Fliger
"Everyone knows Charlie." This statement is true not because she speaks to crowds of thousands or because she donates millions, but rather because Charlie always takes time to find out about the individual. Whether it is a new member in her 4-H club, a youngster away at camp for the first time, a junior fair board member who needs advice or a 4-H volunteer who feels overwhelmed. Charlie is there to help. No one will ever be able to adequately measure the time and talents given to the Ohio 4-H program by Charlie Fliger. But, everyone will be able to remember that Charlie reached out to them they learned a new skills, they shared a laugh, they worked through a problem. Everyone will remember she made a difference.

Mary Pawlowski
Mary's impact on the lives of children and adults can be measured by the smiles, hugs and warm greetings she receives and gives. She believes in teamwork and communication can make any project successful. Plus she has an enthusiasm that can be contagious, making other want to get involved. Obstacles don't discourage her for long. Whether she's working with adults or youth, she simply leads her team with a calm, confident sense of direction, sharing responsibilities until the goal is achieved. When finished, she always remembers to be appreciative and thankful for all the help that was provided. Mary really believes in the 4-H program and what a significant role it can play in a child's and adult's life. In a local interview, Mary was quoted as saying how grateful she was for being involved in the 4-H program and that it has made her a better adults.
Donald Schriver
Don is an outstanding individual who has made many significant contributions to the Ohio 4-H program. Don has made a tremendous difference through the leadership he has given, the personal time and service he has contributed, the financial support he has personally provided and solicited from others. The wisdom he has shared and the influence he has exercised on behalf of Ohio 4-H for the past thirty years. He has served as a business representative on the State 4-H Advisory Committee, a nine-year member and president of the Ohio 4-H Foundation Board of Directors, and in numerous county and state 4-H volunteer roles. He is truly a visionary, dedicated to supporting 4-H, Extension and OSU.
Floyd Wachtel
Floyd was known as a leader in his community and state. When he saw a need for something he was ready to take action. For example, when Holmes County needed a 4-H agent, Floyd was instrumental in working with a variety of groups to secure funding for the first full-time 4-H agent. He was no stranger to leadership serving on the Senior Fair Board, as president of Grange, and in the Guernsey Association, just to name a few. His service as a 4-H volunteer for 64 years speaks volumes of his love for the program, the children and teens, and of the belief that one person can and does make a difference in the lives of youth. Volunteer, farmer, coach, leaders, friend, role model, 4-H advisor are some of the words that can be used to describe Floyd Wachtel.
2000 Hall of Fame

Patricia Cornell
Pat really believes in the value of 4-H. Her most significant contribution to Ohio 4-H has been through her involvement in the North Central Regional Volunteers Forum and the Ohio 4-H Volunteer Conference. She has served as the Volunteer Co-Chair for the Ohio 4-H Volunteer Conference and Recognition Luncheon for three years. Pat is a nurse who works the 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. shift at a nursing facility as well as milking 35 dairy goats. Because she really believes in the value and power of 4-H, many times, she'll come home from work, milk goats, attend a volunteer meeting in Columbus, go home and milk again, take a short nap, attend a 4-H meeting that evening and then go to work.
Lucille Cumbers
Lucille has been a very dedicated, devoted, caring adult volunteer, in a youth organization which she believes in, for more than 28 years. From her first participation in 4-H as a young girl to her dedication today as an adult advisor, she has never given up on the goals that 4-H offers young people. Never to walk away from a child who could use some guidance, nurturing, and development, she donates countless hours to young people who seek her direction whether it is for a topic for a speech or a pattern for a garment they plan to create and sew. Always thinking of how to improve the community, Lucille's vision has really shown the 4-H members the importance of inter-generational collaboration with residents of the county home.

James "Jim" Helt
Jim's long-term personal commitment to "making the best better" has greatly contributed to strengthening the Ohio 4-H program. Since his retirement, Jim has been one of our most active supporters for Ohio 4-H International Programs and 4-H Teen Leadership programs. His active service through the 4-H Camp Ohio Board of Directors, his leadership and coordination for securing private contributions to expand and strengthen 4-H programs throughout the state, and the advice and assistance he provides to 4-H professionals and volunteers every day has made a tremendous positive difference in the work we do and in the quality and scope of the Ohio 4-H program. In addition to making a tremendous difference to the youth with whom he worked as a local 4-H club advisor for 20 years, Jim's statewide and national contributions have resulted in 4-H being a much better program.

Nancy Patterson
Nancy did a tremendous job and made numerous positive impacts upon the youth who were members of her local 4-H club as well as their parents and other family members during her twelve years as a 4-H advisor. The Ohio 4-H program would not be the excellent program it is without Nancy's continuing contributions, leadership, hard work, and personal commitment. She believes in Ohio 4-H and works every day to get the message out to individuals, businesses, and legislative leaders. She is a true leader who is always helping to deliver the 4-H message. Nancy strongly advocates for education, especially through 4-H and her understanding and commitment to the big picture has helped build partnerships within and beyond Extension boundaries.