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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension



  1. Ohio delegates smile for a photo during the 4-H Leadership Academy kick off.

    Ohio teens selected as Roth Scholars

    Jun 12, 2024

    In May, National 4-H Council announced a partnership with Atlanta-based businessman and philanthropist, Joel Roth, who provided a $1.1M gift to launch the 4-H Leadership Academy (The Academy). This two-year pilot will provide 25 high school students with employability skills that business leaders seek, including communication, leadership, ethics, conflict resolution, and social responsibility.

  2. Congratulations to our delegates!

    Jan 8, 2024

    The following teens have been selected as the Ohio delegates for the 2024 National 4-H Conference in Washington, D.C.

    Elizabeth Angelo, Clermont County Sara Bailey, Columbiana County Aubrey Barger, Licking County Alaina Bell, Fairfield County Kyra Bradshaw, Franklin County Audrey Davis, Perry County Anam Havan, Pickaway County Wyatt Morrow, Highland County Elizabeth Santa, Licking County Arianna Wilson, Franklin County


  3. 4-H Dairy Judging Team Wins at NAILE

    Nov 13, 2023

    Congratulations to the Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging team! They recently placed second overall at the North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) in Louisville. It was a good showing by our Louisville team and a great way to wrap up our 2023 season. Many thanks to all of those who opened their barns to allow us to practice, and for those who donate and support our teams in other ways!

  4. Five photos of Jenny Morlock

    Jenny Morlock: Excellence in Camping Award

    Oct 26, 2023

    Congratulations to Jenny Morlock, Wood County 4-H Program Assistant and the 2023 Ohio 4-H Excellence in Camping Award! For more than 31 years, programs that Jenny worked with have impacted almost 9,000 youth in residential and day camps, with 1,200 counselors benefitting from her wisdom. Ohio 4-H is honored to recognize her. Thank you, Jenny!

  5. Two handouts that detail Ohio 4-H awards

    2024 Ohio 4-H Awards

    Oct 23, 2023

    We'll honor outstanding 4-H volunteers and teens at the 2024 Ohio 4-H Conference next March. Find out how to recognize deserving individuals for the Ohio 4-H Hall of Fame, community service, innovative programs, and more here. 

  6. Trophy with black 4-H clover on it

    4-H Professionals Honored

    Oct 19, 2023

    More than 70 Ohio 4-H professionals attended the 2023 National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals conference in Pittsburgh, PA. Recognized with the Achievement in Service Award were Danielle Combs, Sarah Longo, Elizabeth Share, and Elizabeth Smith. Receiving the Distinguished Service Award were Christy Clary, Lisa Manning, Tracie Montague, and Rebecca Supinger. The Meritorious Service Award was received by Bruce Zimmer, with Jodi Black honored for 25 years of service.

  7. National 4-H Hall of Fame Welcomes Jim Helt

    Oct 11, 2023

    Ohio 4-H is honored to recognize Jim Helt, the newest member of the National 4-H Hall of Fame. Jim was inducted into the 2023 class in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on October 9 at the National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals’ annual conference.

  8. Three women looking at the camera, middle person holding a plaque

    Friend of Extension: Pat Brundige

    Sep 29, 2023

    Ohio 4-H has long benefited from the kindness and support of Pat Brundige and now she has been recognized nationally for her work! Pat, a friend of Ohio 4-H and OSU Extension was named the 2023 Friend of Extension from Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP) this week. ESP is the professional organization for Extension professionals. Read more about Pat and her support of our 4-H youth here. 


  9. Share your achievements!

    Sep 22, 2023

    Register for an online presentation to learn more about Ohio 4-H Achievement Awards. The Teen Leadership Council will give an overview of the Achievement Form, tips for completion, and potential opportunities for members who complete and submit their forms. It happens via Zoom on Oct. 1 from 6-7:30 p.m. Register here by Sept. 29.

  10. Large drone leaving the ground with youth in the background watching

    Aerial Ag Challenge

    Aug 24, 2023

    Ohio 4-H'ers learned about aerial agriculture this summer, learning about the imporance of drones in food production. FInd out more and view their video here.
