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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


Ohio 4-H Awards & Hall of Fame

Ohio 4-H Awards & Hall of Fame

Teen Awards | Volunteer Awards | Hall of Fame 

Teen Awards

Teen Hall of Fame / Teen of the year

Nominations for the 2025 Ohio 4-H Teen of the Year and Hall of Fame will be available in the fall. Nomination forms are required to be submitted by an Extension professional and are due by December 1, 2024. If deemed necessary, an interview process may be held for finalists. Winners are recognized at the Ohio 4-H Conference each year.



Online Application

Teen of the Year Honors one outstanding teen that has had great accomplishments in the past year. This award was created to honor a select individual for their performance, dedication, and passion for the 4-H program.  Nominee must be between the ages of 13 and 18 as of January 1 the year they are nominated.
Teen Hall of Fame Induction into the Teen Hall of Fame is meant to be thought as a very high honor for youth who are selected. It is meant to honor those who have dedicated it all to make the best better in their club, community, country, and world. Nominee must be between the ages of 15 and 18 as of January 1 the year they are nominated and been a 4-H member for at least six years including the current year (but not including Cloverbud years).


Achievement Awards

The Ohio 4-H Achievement Record is a comprehensive record of a current 4-H member’s career, accomplishments, and achievements. It is a great way to capture all the experiences they have had in 4-H, practice for filling out future job or college applications, and get a head start on applying for scholarships. Winners are recognized at a banquet in the summer and attend National 4-H Congress in late November.

Visit this page for more information and requirements about current 4-H members applying for an Ohio 4-H Achievement Award

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Volunteer Awards

Nominations for the 2025 Ohio 4-H Volunteer Awards will be available in the fall. Nomination forms are due by December 1, 2024. Awards will be presented at the Ohio 4-H Conference Luncheon on March 8, 2025.

Click here for a printable description of the awards available.



Paper Application

Online Application

Friend of
4-H Award
An individual, family, business or corporation that supports the Ohio 4-H Program, in a charitable manner at the county, state, or national level. Friend of 4-H
Community Service
Recognizes adults and youth 4-H volunteers whom have collaborated with community groups, or undertaken them with their own 4-H club or unit, community service projects or activites. Community Service
4-H Hall of Fame
Recognizes individuals who have made significant lifetime contributions to the Ohio 4-H program and who have also made an important positive impact upon clubs, communities, and the state 4-H program. 4-H Hall of Fame
Innovator Award Recognizes adult and/or youth volunteers who have developed new programs, county projects, or activities. Innovator
Meritorious Service Award Recognizes adult 4-H volunteers for a lifetime of meritorious service. Meritorious Service
4-H Alumni
4-H Grows True Leaders!  Nominate a 4-H alumnus who has demonstrated distinctive achievement in career or service and can attribute part of their success to participating in 4-H. 4-H Alumni

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Hall of Fame

Ohio 4-H recognizes outstanding stakeholders, volunteers, and teens through induction into the Ohio 4-H Volunteer Hall of Fame and Ohio 4-H Teen Hall of Fame. 

Ohio 4-H Volunteer Hall of Fame:

The Ohio 4-H Volunteer Hall of Fame was initiated in 1977 during the 75th anniversary of 4-H with the enshrinement of Mr. A. B. Graham, founder of 4-H in Ohio, and the living charter members of the first 4-H club. The purpose of the 4-H Hall of Fame is to recognize individuals who have made significant lifetime contributions of service to the 4-H program and who have also made an important positive impact upon clubs, communities, and the state 4-H program. No more than four individuals are selected by the Ohio 4-H Hall of Fame award committee to be inducted into the Hall of Fame each year; with no more than one of these awards to be posthumous.  

Visit this page to learn more about Ohio 4-H Volunteer Hall of Fame inductees.


Ohio 4-H Teen Hall of Fame:

The Ohio 4-H Teen Hall of Fame was created in 2016 to annually honor four outstanding teens between the age of 15 to 18 who have been 4-H members for at least six years with induction to the Teen Hall of Fame and one outstanding youth between the age of 13 to 18 who has had an outstanding singular year as the Teen of the Year. The induction into the Teen Hall of Fame and recognition as the Teen of the Year is meant to be thought of as a very high honor for youth who are selected. The award is to recognize those who have dedicated their all to make the best better in their club, community, country, and world. 

Visit this page to learn more about Ohio 4-H Teen Hall of Fame inductees.

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