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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


Beef Cattle

Welcome to the Ohio 4-H Beef Cattle Projects and Resource page!

Resources Contact Information



Factsheets Beef Cattle Care
Project Resources  
Project Resources

The Beef Project and Record Book (117) supports 4-H members who are taking beef breeding, beef feeder, dairy beef feeder, and market beef projects. The Beef Resource Handbook (117R) is a required supplement for all beefprojects. Both books are available through local OSU Extension offices and online at Ohio residents get the best price when they order and pick up their purchases through local Extension offices.

Extra pages from the Beef Project and Record Book (if needed for projects with multiple animals)

Beef Cattle Care

Nutrition Nutrition best practices, how nutrition impacts meat quality





Health Protecting animal health at home and at the fair, common disease ID, and more!




Handling, Welfare, and Impacts on Meat QualityAnimal handling and welfare at home and at the fair, impact of handling and stress of meat quality




Contact Information

Dr. Steve Boyles, Ph.D.

Garth Ruff

Ohio State University Beef Team