Welcome to the Ohio 4-H Small Ruminant Projects and Resource page!
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Factsheets | Webinars |
Project Resources | Sheep Care |
Scrapie and Scrapie Tag Information |
- A Guide to Feeding Lambs
- Should I take a Market Goat as a 4-H Project?
- Should I take a Market Lamb as a 4-H Project?
Project Resources
Nutrition - Nutrition best practices, how nutrition impacts meat quality
Health - Protecting animal health at home and at the fair, common disease ID, and more!
Handling, Welfare, and Impacts on Meat Quality - Animal handling and welfare at home and at the fair, impact of handling and stress of meat quality
Sheep Care
These sheep care videos feature some of the key components of owning and managing sheep. They were produced by Ohio 4-H Youth development in collaboration with the Ohio Sheep and Wool Program and the Ohio Sheep Improvement Association. We are grateful to our featured presenters for their willingness to share their expertise!
- Sheep Care: Selection and Basic Nutrition Mike Stitzlein, Ohio breeder, discusses lamb selection for 4-H and FFA projects, and Allen Johnson, Ohio breeder and nutritionist, shares tips on basic nutrition for optimum health and growth.
- Sheep Care: Management Practices (Identification, Docking, and Castration) With help from OSU herd manager Gregg Fogle, Dr. Eric Gordon discusses basic management practices all sheep producers should know, namely identification, docking, and castration.
- Sheep Care: Small Flock Facilities and Handling Former OSU Extension educator Gary Wilson discusses proper handling methods and common equipment and tools for small flock producers with demonstrations by OSU herd manager Gregg Fogle.
- Sheep Care: Hoof Trimming OSU herd manager Gregg Fogle demonstrates tools, equipment, and steps for hoof trimming and discusses special considerations for frequency and showing.
- Sheep Care: Administering Medications and VFDs This easy-to-understand video about sheep care features OSU’s Dr. Eric Gordon and herd manager Gregg Fogle as they explain the Veterinary Feed Directive and how to properly administer medication.
- Sheep Care: Advanced Nutrition Join Allen Johnson, Ohio breeder and nutritionist, as he discusses how best to support your sheep for showing with advanced nutrition concepts such as additives, top dresses, and feed programs.
- Sheep Care: Showmanship OSU student and former 4-H member Delanie Wiseman demonstrates how to prepare your sheep for a successful showmanship experience, including a few special tips.
These videos from Weaver Leather Livestock feature Chad Charmasson as he covers the basic process for shearing your sheep in preparation for a show. Topics are shearing the body, clipping the legs, and clipping the head. (No endorsement by The Ohio State University of the company or products in this video is intended or implied.)
Scrapie and Scrapie Tag Information
Information from USDA-APHIS and ODA about scrapie ID requirements and restrictions for 4-H exhibitors is below. Sheep and goats with blue slaughter-only/meat tags cannot be used for exhibition, companion/“lawnmower,” or breeding purposes. Please also consult local and state exhibition rules for additional/alternative terms and conditions relating to ID requirements.
The National Scrapie Eradication Program provides a limited number of free official ear tags to new sheep and goat producers. To find out if you are eligible for the free tags or to get a Flock ID assigned to your flock so you can buy official tags, call 866-USDA-TAG (888-873-2824) or complete and submit the Ohio Scrapie Tag Order Form below. Producers who prefer another type or color of tag or need more tags may purchase official tags directly from approved manufacturers to fit their needs.
- Sheep and Goat Health, USDA APHIS - Updated 3.25.19
- Official ID Types for Sheep and Goats - Updated 5.2022
- Animal Identification and Recordkeeping Guide for Sheep and Goats Factsheet - Updated 5.2022
- Overview – ID Requirements and Restrictions Associated with Blue Tagged Sheep and Goats
- Pictures of the blue slaughter tags
- Ohio Scrapie Tag Order Form - Updated 4.2023