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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


Ohio youth compete in the 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships

Members of the Ohio 4-H Muzzeloader Team smiling for a group photo.

During the last week of June, 35 Ohio 4-H members and their coaches traveled to Grand Island, Nebraska, for the 2024 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships. Over the course of this five-day competition, 4-H’ers competed in compound and recurve archery, air rifle and pistol, .22 rifle and pistol, shotgun, muzzleloading, and hunting and wildlife skills.

Tracy Winters, the state 4-H educator for shooting sports and natural resources, shared that aside from 2020 and 2021 when teams were unable to travel due to The 2024 Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports team gathering for a team photo.the pandemic, Ohio has competed every year since 2012.

“As the state coordinator for Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports, this was my first trip to the 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships, and I was so proud of our Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports teams and their coaches,” said Winters. “The teamwork, the sportsmanship, and the way they encouraged each other to do their best, Members of the Ohio 4-H pistol team shooting slowfire bullseye on day one of the Championships.while making new friends and memories along the way, is what 4-H is all about.” 

Forty states were represented at the Championships, with 706 4-H competitors and more than 200 coaches in attendance.

At this year’s Championships, Isaac Richard (Allen County) placed fifth in the 50-Yard Bullseye for Muzzleloading competition and Aaron Johnson (Union County) placed fifth in the Wildlife ID and Management competition.

The Ohio 4-H muzzleloader team shooting silhouettes during day three of the Championships.The Hunting and Wildlife Skills team consisting of Aaron Johnson (Union County), Ethan St. Clair (Guernsey County), Johnathan Iman (Lucas County), and Stephenie Headings (Union County) also found success as they placed fifth in the Wildlife ID and Management team competition, the General Hunting Skills and Map/Compass Knowledge team competition, and the Decision Making and Compass Course team competition.

“I would like to say a special thank you to Tom and Kim Baker, who have coordinated the team travel for this event since 2012,” said Winters. “Without their leadership and dedication, we would not have been able to offer this opportunity to our 4-H members all these years.”

Visit the Ohio 4-H National Shooting Sports Team website for more information about the individuals who competed in the 2024 Championships and the history of the team.