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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


Video Camping Curriculum

Thank you for your interest in the Ohio 4-H Video Camping Curriculum! This curriculum was developed to meet needs regarding supplemental learning, providing makeup assignments for missed trainings, having more experienced camp professionals share their knowledge, and more! 

The Ohio 4-H Video Camping Curriculum covers six lessons:

  1. Introduction to Camp
  2. Building the Culture of Camp - Part 1 (Camp Culture)
  3. Building the Culture of Camp - Part 2 (Cabin Culture)
  4. Building a Camp Counselor Team
  5. Teaching at Camp
  6. Youth Activities and Programs Policy Training

This curriculum was developed around the 15 Ohio 4-H Camp Counselor Competencies (more details about these and the research to develop these can be found here). If you have any questions or would like more information on the curriculum or the process used to develop it, please contact Hannah Epley,

The curriculum can be accessed through a Qualtrics survey. After answering a few questions and identifying your interest, the video facilitator guide will be emailed directly to you. This includes instructions for using the curriculum, links to each of the six videos, and lesson guides for each corresponding lesson.