Questions for Project Summary Verification What is your first name? What is your last name? County - None -AdamsAllenAshlandAshtabulaAthensAuglaizeBelmontBrownButlerCarrollChampaignClarkClermontClintonColumbianaCoshoctonCrawfordCuyahogaDarkeDefianceDelawareErieFairfieldFayetteFranklinFultonGalliaGeaugaGreeneGuernseyHamiltonHancockHardinHarrisonHenryHighlandHockingHolmesHuronJacksonJeffersonKnoxLakeLawrenceLickingLoganLorainLucasMadisonMahoningMarionMedinaMeigsMercerMiamiMonroeMontgomeryMorganMorrowMuskingumNobleOttawaPauldingPerryPickawayPikePortagePreblePutnamRichlandRossSanduskySciotoSenecaShelbyStarkSummitTrumbullTuscarawasUnionVanWertVintonWarrenWashingtonWayneWilliamsWoodWyandot What is your 4-H Age (age as of January 1 of current program year)? What is your street address? What is your city? What is your zip code? What is your e-mail address? What is your club name? Who is your county 4-H professional? What is the name of your dog? What 3 topic areas for this category did you complete? What certificate did you complete? (Check one. Complete a new form for each certificate.) My Dog and Me Basic Training Commit to be Fit Health and Safety Public with Your Pup Careers and Canines Portions for Your Pup Create and Relate Science Unleashed Develop with Your Dog What was your favorite activity? Why? Anything else you would like to share with us about the Dog Achievement Program? CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.