2018 Ohio Pullorum Testing School
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Pullorum School Requirements
The Ohio Poultry Association (official state agency, NPIP) and the Ohio Department of Agriculture are combining efforts to organize Pullorum-Fowl Typhoid plate agglutination tester training classes. Whether your certification is due to expire or you have expressed interest in becoming a newly certified Pullorum tester, we are inviting you to participate in the training program. You must be 18 years of age to become a certified tester.
There is a charge of $50 per student to offset program costs.  There is an additional $5 fee for first time participants. Your certification is valid for 5 years. If your certification is due to expire in 2017, you will need to attend this training to maintain certification. If this is your first time being certified, you will physically test a bird, A BIRD WILL BE PROVIDED FOR YOU.  DO NOT BRING ANY POULTRY TO THE CLASS.  Each person needs to please bring a lawn chair to class as chairs will not be provided.