4-H’ers On the Road to History and Government – Presidential Inauguration in Washington D.C.
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4-H’ers On the Road to History and Government – Presidential Inauguration in Washington D.C.
Trip Dates: Saturday, January 19, through Tuesday, January 22, 2013.
Staying at: National 4-H Conference Center, Chevy Chase, MD
An exciting time in our country’s history comes every four years when the President is sworn into office. The inauguration is a perfect time to spark a youth’s interest in government and history. A chartered bus will deliver us to the National 4-H Conference Center for our four-day stay. 4-H’ers will be involved in educational programs focused on government and the history of past inaugurations Teens will have the opportunity to tour national monuments, museums, and possibly the Capitol. Members will also complete a service project. What better way to learn about government and history, but to take a road trip and live it?
Maximum cost per participant is just $400 per person. Fee includes bus transportation, accommodations at the National 4-H Center, some meals, and even an Inaugural Ball at the 4-H Center! This trip is targeted to youth of 4-H age. 4-Her’s younger than 8th grade must be accompanied by an adult. Adults attending may need to go through the screening process.
A $150 non-refundable deposit is due on Friday, November 9, 2012. Checks should be made out to: OSU Extension and mailed to: Fayette County OSU Extension, 1415 US 22 SW Suite 100, Washington C.H., OH 43160. For more information, please contact Carolyn Belczyk at Belczyk.1@osu.edu (937-544-2339) or Robin Stone at stone.363@osu.edu (216-429-8200).
Facebook event at: https://www.facebook.com/events/541012709246459/#!/events/541012709246459/