Deadline - Applications and 1st Payments Due for 2020 Out-Bound International Travel Programs
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Overseas Homestays for Youth: Japan, Costa Rica, Norway & Romania 2020! (Applications Due: 11/15/19) (Not all countries offered each year. Japan & Costa Rica travel most years. Finland & Norway usually alternate years.)
Get on-board with these exciting travel opportunities! Language learning, cultural exploration and personal growth are offered through 1-month host family stays. Adult chaperones accompany each group beginning at a gateway U.S. city. Non-4-H members may participate, but are not eligible for scholarships. Youth cannot be in college & must be willing to learn basic foreign language skills. 2020 Travel Application & Deposit Due: November 15. (You MUST first read the 2020 “Instructions for Completing the Application”– see website in late September.) All countries can accommodate minimum and maximum numbers of U.S. visitors. Required Interviews & Orientation #1 in Columbus for youth and at least 1 parent held Dec. 7 or 8… please hold both dates for now. Selected youth are announced in mid-January. In-Person and Conference Call Orientations held in the spring.