National 4-H Congress
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For more than 95 years, National 4-H Congress has been a premiere nation-wide opportunity for 4-H members across America. Originally held in Chicago, the event is now held in the “Capitol of the South,” Atlanta, Georgia during the Thanksgiving break.
National 4-H Congress is a five-day event that engages high school aged 4-H members in leadership, citizenship, global awareness, and inclusion. Participants not only have the opportunity to participate in state-of-the-art educationalworkshops and hear from world-renowned speakers, they also have the opportunity to network with other 4-H members from across the United States.
Delegates to National 4-H Congress are selected through theirrespective state 4-H Programs. Each state determines the number of youth that can attend and selection process. Some states utilize National 4-H Congress as a honors/reward experience, whereas some select their delegation through an application process. Are you interested in attending? If so, check with your local Extension Office to see how your state selects their delegation.