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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


Ohio State Fair 4-H Livestock Judging Contest

Jul 25, 2024 (All day)
Monday, July 8, 2024
$15.00 per contestant through July 8, pre-registration required
Voinovich Livestock Center Show Arena
Ohio 4-H, Animal Sciences Team

2024 Livestock Judging Contest

Check-In: 8:30 am – 9:30 am – Voinovich Livestock Center Show Arena

Contest Instructions: 10:00 am – Voinovich Livestock Center Show Arena

Judging Begins: 10:30 am – Denny Hales Arena

Awards Presentation – Following Contest Critiques in Voinovich

2024 Entry Form (Required)


Mail Checks to:
Ohio 4-H – Animal Sciences   Attn: Mackenzie Dore
Animal Sciences Building 222B
2029 Fyffe Rd.
Columbus, OH 43210

Make Checks Out To: Ohio 4-H – Animal Sciences

Contest Information   

Study and Preparation Resources

Age Divisions   

  1. Junior contestants - Must be 8 years of age and in the 3rd grade or 9 years of age in any grade as of January 1, 2024, and must not have passed his/her 13th birthday by January 1, 2024.
  2. Senior contestants - Must have passed his/her 14th birthday and cannot have passed his/her 19th birthday by January 1, 2024.

Cross-County Team Information:

  1. In both the Junior and Senior contests, cross-county teams are allowed to participate if one county does not have enough members to complete a team (less than 3 members). For cross-county teams:
    1. Members must represent their true county of 4-H enrollment.
    2. Members from one or more additional counties can make up a cross-county team. Cross-county team members must be from neighboring counties with touching borders.
    3. One Extension professional from the county in which the team is registered must sign the registration form.
    4. One Extension professional from the other county where the cross-county team member(s) is/areenrolled must provide enrollment documentation in the form of a letter attached to the team’s registration form. This letter must be written on county Extension letterhead.
    5. Documentation will be confirmed upon receipt of registration.