Jul 27, 2018 (All day)
Ohio State Fair Companion Animal Day
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- Except for 4-H PetPALS projects, youth WILL NOT be permitted to bring live animals to judging. Please refer to the judging criteria below.
- All projects EXCEPT You and Your Dog and All About Dogs will be judged on Friday, July 27 at the Youth Center.
- You and Your Dog and All About Dogs projects will be judged on Wednesday, August 1 at the Buckeye Sports Center.
- 4-H Professionals must enter all exhibitors selected to represent their county for Companion Animal Days EXCEPT for 4-H PetPALS, using 4-H Online.
- 4-H PetPALS members may enter Companion Animal Days, provided meeting county eligibility requirements, by completing an entry form, obtaining the required signatures, and sending the form to Lucinda Miller (address on form) so it is RECEIVED by Monday, July 23.
- 4-H PetPALS members are not required to be evaluated at the county level to enter.
- Participation is open to youth ages 8 and in the third grade, or 9 years old and older regardless of grade level, as of January 1, 2018. The last year of eligibility, or participation, in 4-H is the year in which the individual turns 19.
- The clock trophy winner of any one class in 2017 will not be eligible to participate in the same class for 2018, with two exceptions: (1) if the winner of the 2017 Cat 1 Interviews is eligible to move to J-2 (Cat 1 – 11-13 year) or J-3 (Cat 1 – 14-18 years), and (2) the winner of the 2017 4-H PetPALS class, as judging criteria and awards have changed for the 4-H PetPALS project.
- Companion animal projects include:
216 Cat 1 – Purrr-fect Pals       365.13 Reptiles and Amphibians Idea Starter
217 Cat 2 – Climbing Up        365.26 Hedgehogs Idea Starter
218 Cat 3 – Leaping Forward     365.27 Ferrets Idea Starter
215 4-H Cavy (Guinea Pig)Â Â Â Â Â Â 365.28 Chinchillas Idea Starter
227 Pet Rabbits                201D You and Your Dog
220 Pocket Pets                200 All About Dogs
230 4-H PetPALS
365 Self-Determined Companion Animal, for youth taking a companion animal not listed as a project above, such as caged birds, pot-bellied pigs, hermit crabs, etc.