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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


Ohio State Fair Junior Horse Show- Dressage Show

Jul 17, 2025 (All day)
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Tuesday, July 1, 2025
$50 stall fee/entry
Ohio Exposition Center 717 East 17th Ave Columbus, OH
Kimberly Cole

To be eligible to compete a rider must be currently enrolled in the Dressage 4-H Project. 

Rules & Regulations-Revised for 2025

2025 Junior Horse Show Schedule

2025 Ride Times

Stall Chart *Make sure to confirm stall assignment before moving into a stall!

Registration Information:

Deadline for registration for Dressage is Tuesday, July 1, 2025 at 1PM.

Entries for the State Fair Dressage Show are to be entered online with qualifying scores uploaded to the registration from. Dressage entries do not need to be submitted on the excel spreadsheet sent to Dr. Cole. Dressage exhibitors will receive an invoice after July 1 to pay for their stall fee after registration closes. A negative Coggins (dated on or after January 1, 2025) must be uploaded to the participant's 4HOnline account under their project animal by July 1st at 1PM to complete the registration, along with the participant's EquiSTEP Completion Certificate. 

Virtual Shows will not count towards State Fair Qualifications.

Guide for entering Coggins & JHS information to 4HOnline


Move-in Date: Stalls will be open for set-up and horses to move in beginning at 6:00pm on Sunday, July 13, 2025. 

The Junior Horse Show office will be open Sunday from 6:00-8:00pm, Monday - Thursday from 7:00am-8:00pm, and Friday from 7:00am until 1 hr after the end of the show.

Event Details: The Dressage Show will be held in conjunction with the Ohio State Fair Junior Horse Show 07/14/2025-07/18/2025.

Classes offered:

Classical Dressage:

Training 1, Training 2, Training 3

First Level 1, First Level 2, First Level 3

Classical Dressage tests can be found here: Classical Dressage tests new for 2023.

Western Dressage:

Basic 1, Basic 2, Basic 3

Level 1-Test 1, Level 1-Test 2, Level 1-Test 3

Western Dressage tests can be found here. Western Dressage tests updated 2022.

Stall fee is $50 and will be collected via invoice after registrations close on July 1. Invoices for stalls will be emailed on July 5th and must be paid by July 7th.

Group Stalls and Private Tack Stalls:  Exhibitors wishing to stall together must submit an online Stall Request form using the link below by the entry deadline of July 1, 2025 at 1:00pm.  Designated community tack stalls will be available in each aisle at no charge!  In addition, a limited number of private tack stalls will be available for purchase at $50.00 per stall on a first come, first serve basis with priority given to exhibitors who will be stalling together and sharing tack stalls.  Invoices for tack stalls will be emailed on July 5th and must be paid by July 7th.  

GROUP STALL ONLINE REQUEST FORM (requests may be submitted no later than 1:00pm on July 1, 2025)

PRIVATE TACK STALL ONLINE REQUEST FORM (requests may be submitted no later than 1:00pm on July 1, 2025)


Classical & Western Dressage Entry Form