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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


Piedmont Shooting Sports Camp

Jun 8, 2018 through Jun 10, 2018, 3:00pm - 2:00pm
Friday, May 11, 2018
4-H Camp Piedmont
Jane Keyser

4-H Camp Piedmont will be hosting a shooting sports camp June 8-10, 2018. Youth ages 9-13 will have the opportunity to experience a variety of shooting sport education in a camp setting. Participants will select from one of five disciplines – archery, advanced archery, rifle .22 rimfire, shotgun, or pistol.

Camp Piedmont, in Eastern Ohio is located approximately 12 miles north of Interstate 70 in Belmont County. The camp is a wonderful setting to learn all about shooting sports, make a craft, enjoy nature, boating, canoeing, stand up paddle boarding, swimming and hiking. Campers will enjoy dining and singing together, games, dancing and a traditional campfire as well. More information about Camp Piedmont can be found on their website:

Camp Piedmont is staffed with summer staff to help promote the learning experience and trained counselors will work with small groups of campers and reside with them in the cabins. Extension staff and certified shooting sports instructors round out the camp staff and planning committee.

Last year the camp attracted 43 campers, 12 counselors and 16 volunteers from all over Ohio. Youth don’t have to be in 4-H to attend this camp. Even though it is staffed by 4-H certified volunteer instructors, the camp is open to all youth.

The camp registration form is available from any OSU Extension Office or online at  Registration is due May 11.

The camp is open to all Ohio youth; however participation will be limited to 60 youth. Participants’ arrival will be Friday afternoon, June 8, and departure will be in the afternoon of Sunday, June 10. Meals, snacks, lodging, event t-shirt, and supplies are included in the $150 event fee.

Questions about the Piedmont Shooting Sports Camp can be directed to Jane Keyser at or Samantha Schott at

Registration and payment is due May 11.

 Click here for the 2018 Shooting Sports Camper Registration Form & Schedule

 Click here for Camp Counselor Application - coming soon

 Click here for the 2018 Shooting Sports Camp News Release (.pdf) 

 Click here to view our Shooting Sports Camp video on YouTube