Spring Dairy Expo
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The Spring Dairy Expo (SDE), as part of the Ohio Purebred Dairy Cattle Association showcases great dairy cows, dedicated people and the incredible youth that make up Ohio’s dairy industry. The 2018 show will be March 29 - 31 at the Ohio Expo Center, Columbus, Ohio, and promises to be greater than ever! It is one of the few times dairy producers of all breeds gather to showcase their herd’s genetics while enjoying each other’s fellowship, one of the reasons they enjoy the dairy business.
The 2017 SDE had more than 700 animals from 13 states for the show and/or sale. The 2018 SDE will highlight breed sales managed by the Buckeye Dairy Club of The Ohio State University and Jersey Marketing Service, as well as the Mid-West Review Brown Swiss Sale. The 2nd Best of Triple T & Heath Jersey Sale will also be held at the 2018 event. Friday night’s youth showmanship contest, sponsored by the American Dairy Association Mideast, is expected to attract nearly 140 youth. A statewide youth judging contest will be held Saturday morning, and a show Supreme Champion will be crowed as a finale to the event.