CFAES Give Today
Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


State 4-H Horse Communications Contest


Parking-All vehicles will be required to pay for parking

If you are parking in one of the many surface lots across campus, ParkMobile is a convenient option for payment. It is a downloadable app that lets you pay for parking directly from your phone. Create a ParkMobile account at, via the ParkMobile iOS or Android app, or via their automated phone system at 877-727-5009. After setting up an account, follow ParkMobile's prompts to pay for parking. One benefit of ParkMobile is that parking sessions can be extended via the app or online.

Pay-by-Plate machines are located throughout campus. Upon parking, walk to the nearest Pay-by-Plate machine (clearly marked by directional signs). Enter your license plate number and select the form of payment and amount of parking time desired, as indicated by printed instructions on the Pay-by-Plate machine. Since verification of payment is done via license plate, it is important to enter your license plate information correctly. Please note: Machines only accept credit card payments and do not provide refunds.


Registration for this event, including payment of entry fee ($10 for individuals & $20 for teams), must be made online by February 21, 2025. No late entries will be accepted.  As this contest determines which contestants will represent Ohio 4-H at national contests, ONLY senior 4-H members are allowed to compete in the senior division to comply with national eligibility requirements. 

Event Details:

For youth currently enrolled in a 4-H or FFA horse project & have completed the current year's EquiSTEP by the registration deadline. The primary objective of the Communications Contest is to provide, in a friendly but competitive setting, an opportunity for youth enrolled in a 4-H horse project to demonstrate their communication and media skills on a specific equine or equine related topic.  Youth may compete in the following categories: Public Speaking, Individual Presentation and Team Presentation. Junior and Senior contests will be held simultaneously in person on Saturday, March 1st, 2025. Presentation times will be assigned on a random basis.  The office will also verify with the county extension professional that members are in good standing. 

cONTEST Rules 

Public Speaking Score Sheet

Presentation/Demonstration Score Sheet


2024 Results

2023 Results

2022 Results

2021 Results 

2020 Results

2019 Results

2018 Results

2017 Results

2016 Results