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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


State 4-H Horse Competitive Trail Ride

ONLINE REGISTRATION LINK-Registration opens in August.

Registration for this event must be made online by August 22, 2025, including payment. Cost of the event is $60. No late entries will be accepted for any reason. There is a cap of 40 riders for the event. If the cap is met before the deadline, registration will close at that time.

Event Details:
For youth currently enrolled in a 4-H or FFA horse project & completed the current year's EquiSTEP by the registration deadline. All members must be currently enrolled in Trail Riding #188.
Junior Trail Ride participants must be 10-13 years old (4-H age) or may be 14-18 years old, if it is the first time they have participated in the ride (rookie ride). Those riders 14 years old or older must advance to the senior ride after riding the junior ride(rookie ride) one time. Senior Trail participants must be at least 14 years old (4-H age) as of January 1 of year of participation. Shadow riders are allowed for ten and eleven year olds or for youth with disabilities on the junior ride. The junior riders ride one half of the senior ride. All other senior rules apply to the junior ride.
Due to a change in ODNR Policy campsites are now required to be reserved for two nights. 4-H members are required to check in on Friday and camp overnight. Campsites will now be reserved for Friday and Saturday nights. Members are not required to stay, but are welcome to do so on Saturday night. 
All Trail Ride competitors must be enrolled in the Trail Riding Project(#188) for each year they wish to compete.

4-H Competitive Trail Ride Rules