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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


Year End Awards of Merit

The 2024 Year End Awards of Merit Recognition Ceremony will be held in conjunction with the Communications Contest and Hippology/Horse Bowl/Judging Clinic on Saturday, March 1st, 2025. The Year End Awards Ceremony will take place immediately following the Communications Contest Awards, which begin at 11:30am. This event will be held at the Animal Sciences Building, 2029 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210. No invitation is necessary to attend, we invite all members who participated in four or more of the State Horse Events to attend.

Parking-All vehicles will be required to pay for parking

If you are parking in one of the many surface lots across campus, ParkMobile is a convenient option for payment. It is a downloadable app that lets you pay for parking directly from your phone. Create a ParkMobile account at, via the ParkMobile iOS or Android app, or via their automated phone system at 877-727-5009. After setting up an account, follow ParkMobile's prompts to pay for parking. One benefit of ParkMobile is that parking sessions can be extended via the app or online.

Pay-by-Plate machines are located throughout campus. Upon parking, walk to the nearest Pay-by-Plate machine (clearly marked by directional signs). Enter your license plate number and select the form of payment and amount of parking time desired, as indicated by printed instructions on the Pay-by-Plate machine. Since verification of payment is done via license plate, it is important to enter your license plate information correctly. Please note: Machines only accept credit card payments and do not provide refunds.

Recognition Levels:

Gold- Competed in all 8 State Events

Silver-Competed in 6-7 State Events

Bronze-Competed in 4-5 State Events

The State Events that qualify for the Award of Merit include:

Oral Communications or Horse Poster Contest (must receive a 60% to count)

Horse Bowl


Horse Judging

Junior Horse Show

Skillathon, In person only

Groom & Clean

Competitive Trail Ride


2024 Year End Awards of Merit

2023 Year End Awards of Merit

2022 Year End Awards of Merit

2021 Year End Awards of Merit

2020 Year End Achievement Award Winners Revolving Presentation