4-H is the ultimate youth development experience and is what you make it. Through trips, activities, projects, leadership roles, working in teams and new levels of responsibility, youth learn the skills necessary to be successful in an ever changing world. "Join the revolution of responsibility" and prepare yourself for greatness in 4-H!
Stay connected!
While you are at home and staying safe, we want you to stay connected to 4-H. Here you'll find links to activities for youth and resources for volunteers. Check back frequently for updates!
Here you find the Project Guide, information on projects, officer resources, and events and opportunities.
Learn more about the Ohio Cloverbud Program, the Cloverbud Connections newsletter, activity pages, and volunteer resources. Â
Just for Teens
Find more information about CWF, Collegiate 4-H, Awards & Scholarships, CARTEENS, State Fashion Board, Teen Conference, and Teen Leadership Council
Ohio State Fair
Click here for everything State Fair related!