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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


4-H Event Youth Assistant (4HEYA)

4-H Event Youth Assistant (4HEYA)

Applications for Summer 2025 are now available and due by May 15, 2025.

OVERVIEW: The Ohio 4-H Event Youth Assistants (4HEYA) are a statewide group of 4-H teens that assist with Ohio State Fair events. In this process, members have an opportunity to enhance their leadership skills and be involved in the State 4-H program. They develop knowledge, skills, attitudes, and aspirations needed for future success. 4HEYAs work in partnership with the Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council, but the experiences as a whole are different.

WHO IS ELIGIBLE?: 4-H members who are 13-18 years old as of January 1, 2025 and have previously completed at least one year of 4-H


  • Term: June 1 -August 31(Applicants are still eligible to apply to be a member of TLC for the next term. Find more information about TLC here.)
  • Working Events: Members are required to work at least 3 events at the Ohio State Fair. They will have the opportunity to sign up for their particular events in June.
  • Number of Meetings/Events: In addition to working events, members are required to attend one of the training options (either July 10 or 15, 2025), both are held at the Ohio State Fairgrounds.
    • Please note, individuals MUST attend one of the training options. This is not negotiable. If you know you are unable to attend a training option before applying, it is best to wait another year before applying to serve in this capacity.

LOCATION: All meetings and events are held at the Ohio State Fairgrounds in Columbus, Ohio. There are some Ohio State Fair events that are “off-site,” but members will be notified of the location prior to signing up for an event.

APPLICATION: Interested Ohio 4-H members are asked to submit by May 15:

  • completed application (,

  • program fee ($25 submitted at for new applicants, $15 submitted at for returning applicants),

  • two references (one must be from a non-related Extension professional and one can be from non-related 4-H club advisor, coach, teacher, etc.) 

  • DEADLINE: May 15 (no late applications will be accepted!)


  • 4HEYA Polo
  • 4HEYA Nametag
  • State Fair admission and parking ticket(s) for the day(s) events are worked.
  • State Fair meal ticket(s) for the day(s) events are worked.
  • Optional state fair housing in the Rhodes Center Dormitory.
    • NOTE: This is not required, but is an option for youth to stay overnight, if they desire to do so due to event work schedules.While youth are not chaperoned after the event(s) worked, there are adults present in the dormitory on the fairgrounds who monitor curfew and security of the dormitory. Housing is in a gender-specific shared living space, with several bunk beds in one room. 4-H representatives will be housed with other youth participants (4-H members and non-members) of the Ohio State Fair.
  • Experience of working events at the Ohio State Fair.
  • An opportunity to enhance leadership skills and be involved in the state 4-H program.


Contact Frances Foos (; 614-247-9945) or Sara Deakin (; 614-247-9832)