Cloverbuds Deserve Great Volunteers!
Think back to the days of being 5, 6, and 7 years old. Life was full of adventure-playing outdoors, learning the a-b-c's to read exciting books, and feeling the power of adding and subtracting numbers. And don't forget such important lessons as learning to do things exactly like the teacher wants, and dealing with the neighborhood bully.
Adults were major influences to each of us when we were 5, 6, and 7 years of age. And the same is true today, whether the adult is a parent, aunt, uncle, babysitter, teacher, day-care assistant, swimming instructor, or 4-H club volunteer. As the child's self-esteem is beginning to take shape, each adult has the power to build and enhance the youngster's esteem, as well as the power to shatter the child's ego with a cross word, a nasty look, or making the child the butt of a joke.
Knowing the delicate nature of a cloverbud's self-esteem, it makes common sense that Ohio State 4-H would insist on having high quality volunteers to work with this young audience. The organization would be irresponsible with the care and education of these younger members to allow a volunteer who might cause harm to any of the children. Likewise, 4-H parents assume (and rightfully so) that their children will be safe while participating in 4-H activities.
To apply to become a Cloverbud Volunteer, please contact your local OSU Extension Office.Â