Ohio 4-H is starting the new year with a focus on mental health. As the country grapples with a global pandemic, economic downturn, and recent conversations on racial injustice, youth are experiencing added stressors and seeking new ways to cope. The Ohio 4-H Healthy Living Team designed a variety of activities for youth and volunteers to better understand the importance of positive mental health.Â
Your Thoughts Matter - 4-H Project Book YouTube Review
What does mental health really mean? How many people are affected by mental health issues such as anxiety and depression? Be part of the solution by learning the answers to those questions and more. This project is intended for advanced-level youth who are interested in learning more about mental health, why it is important to overall well-being, and steps that promote understanding and action.Â
Luke Uhlenbrock, a 4-H member from Clermont County completed this project in 2020. Watch his review of Your Thoughts Matter at youtu.be/6GRbZnOfMOU, then get your project book at your local Extension office or order at extensionpubs.osu.edu.
Learn More
Want to learn more about youth and mental health? Visit the links below for healthy living information, Cloverbuds and mental health, social media links and more.
- Ohio 4-H Healthy Living Journal Blog at u.osu.edu/4hjournal  Subscribe to this blog to get daily mental health tips during January, then receive weekly general healthy living tips beginning in February.
- 4-H Cloverbud Connections Blog at u.osu.edu/cloverbudconnections Subscribe and receive two articles each month about engaging with 4-H Cloverbuds (youth ages 5-8). Posts this month focus on how to focus on basic mental health practices with young children.
Facebook  Follow us for posts throughout the month about mental health activities, tips and more.                                             Ohio 4-H Youth Development: www.facebook.com/ohio4h                       Ohio 4-H Healthy Living: www.facebook.com/Ohio4Hhealth
National 4-H Council commissioned a mental health survey of teens in 2020. The Harris Poll found that 7 in 10 teens are struggling with their mental health in the wake of COVID-19. More than half of those surveyed said the pandemic increased their feelings of loneliness, with 64% believing it will have a lasting impact on their mental health. The survey was among the first to examine the impact this unprecedented public health crisis has had on U.S. teens. Read more at https://4-h.org/media/new-survey-finds-7-in-10-teens-are-struggling-with-mental-health/
Activities & Resources
Download these activities to use at home or in club settings.
Hunt (4-H)ealth Activity Card: Increase your mindfulness and positive mental health with these activities. Challenge yourself or your friends to complete the card by the end of January.
Healthy Living Tip Sheets: Here's a variety of topics designed to help you and your family consider different aspects of positive mental health.
- Environmental Wellness
- Financial Wellness
- Find Your Fun
- Mindfulness
- Social Connections
- Social Wellness
Coping with COVID Curriculum: This is a collection of ten lesson plans focused on mental, emotional, and social health during the current pandemic. These lessons may be taught virtually or in-person and include by facilitation tips and tricks, Ohio Department of Education Standards, and suggested evaluation.. This curriculum was created by the Ohio 4-H Healthy Living Design Team and can be requested at go.osu.edu/CopingWithCOVID.
Some mental health situations may call for professional help. If you or someone you know needs connected to professional resources read Ohio State University’s Center for Public Health Practice Mental Health Resource Guides. Go to u.osu.edu/cphp/ohio-mental-health-resource-guides/, find the county you need and select it to bring up local resources.Â