Each month, we highlight an Ohio 4-H alum who has an amazing story to share—from their personal experience in 4-H to how they have given back to the program. This month, we feature Casey Stevens, an alumna of Clark County 4-H who works as a chef and small business owner of the food truck, Biscuit Boss.
For Stevens, 4-H was one of the single most impactful experiences from her childhood. “I learned that good things are worth working for and that nothing good in life comes without commitment and dedication. This knowledge has carried me through so many challenges in my life and is a direct result of my time in 4-H.”
“I tried my hand at many projects—sheep, goats, hogs, chickens, and dairy feeders,” said Stevens. “Dairy feeders and hogs were my favorites. I always appreciated their personalities!” In fact, winning the grooming contest and placing first in Showmanship with Rupert, one of her dairy feeders, still stands out as a favorite memory from her time in 4-H. “Showmanship was always important to me because it was a direct reflection of my own hard work.”
Learning from others was also crucial to Stevens’ 4-H experience. “I will never be able to thank my grandparents, Georgeanna and Jerry, enough for helping and inspiring me during my 4-H years and beyond,” she said. “During my childhood, I spent the summers on their farm. Watching them work and learning how to trust my own instincts with their guidance are lessons I’ll never take for granted.”
Stevens now works as a chef and is the owner of the food truck Biscuit Boss. As her truck enters its third year of business, Stevens credits 4-H with playing a significant role in her success. “Working with animals taught me to accept the mess and not be afraid of hard work.” Above all, 4-H instilled in Stevens a sense of determination and self-reliance. “No one makes a small business work except for you,” said Stevens.
Today, she remains a fierce advocate for all things 4-H. “In my opinion, there is no other organization out there for kids that can offer everything 4-H can. There are projects to fit every lifestyle and a dedicated community of volunteers and alumni who are willing to help.” Not only does she see 4-H as a way for kids to learn vital life skills and build confidence, but she also views it as a safe space and a home for youth.
She continues to model the 4-H pledge as she grows her business. “I take the community component to heart and partner with other small businesses and farmers when developing my menu. I love adding specials made with local ingredients.” By partnering with other Ohio producers, Stevens feels a stronger connection to her community and knows she can be proud of the quality of the products she serves her customers.
As her own children get older, she is looking forward to watching their 4-H journey. “My kids are small and just getting to the 4-H age. I can’t wait to get them involved and see how 4-H helps them grow and continues to play a role in my life as a parent.”