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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


Ohio 4-H Leadership Camp: “One of the most fulfilling experiences of my life”

A group photo from this year's Ohio 4-H State Leadership Camp.

In June, 55 campers and 25 counselors from across Ohio traveled to 4-H Camp Ohio for 2024 Ohio 4-H Leadership Camp. Throughout the week, campers attended leadership sessions, participated in reflective activities, and played a role in planning camp activities like field and water games, campfires, and talent shows.

Rachel Sponseller, a camper from Fairfield County, and Lydia VanVleet, a counselor from Franklin County, share their experiences at Ohio 4-H Leadership Camp below:

Rachel Sponseller
When I arrived at Leadership Camp, I had no idea what was in store for me throughout the week. My first session was Courage at Camp Ohio's high ropes course. I had never been up Sponseller smiling for a photo on the high ropes course.on a course before, so I was kind of scared being up there. Especially when the bridge I was going across started moving. By the end of that session, I had overcome my fear and ended up hanging from the support wire. Each of the sessions that I went through provided insight on how to be a better leader. I thoroughly enjoyed going to each session where we did many things from zip-lining to shooting a pistol.

I had a great experience at Leadership Camp, where I made friends with people from all over the state. I had an amazing time Sponseller participating in a line dance at Leadership Camp.getting to know my group, my cabin, and others at camp. I enjoyed working with my group as a team while we planned the talent show, answered leadership questions, and went through the sessions with each other.

Leadership Camp was an excellent experience. I had a lot of fun that week, and I hope to be able to use the skills I learned to the best of my ability. I am grateful for my time at leadership camp, and I recommend that anyone who has the chance to go to this camp to do so.

Lydia VanVleet
As I finished my freshman year of college, I thought that most of my 4-H experiences were over and that I had done everything I could in this phenomenal youth organization. After being involved in so many ways, I was satisfied with what I had accomplished and the people I had met. VanVleet taking a turn on the slip and slide.However, when the opportunity of me attending Leadership Camp as a counselor came to me, I knew I had to take it. I was pretty nervous as I had never attended as a camper, so I was mostly jumping in blind. Little did I know, this would become one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. 

I was placed in Group B and was charged to facilitate my group of young leaders to plan multiple events throughout camp. Personally, I think we had an amazing dynamic and quickly came up with the saying “B is for best” when describing our group. We were tasked with planning a reflection after our campfire, an evening activity, and the dance on the final evening.VanVleet helping a camper on the rock wall.

To say my group was enthusiastic would be an incredible understatement. These outstanding individuals were constantly looking at all our events from every angle to ensure everyone had fun and thought of so many small details I wouldn’t have. Their dedication and willingness to participate made facilitating them easy, and we flew through our planning while becoming closer and getting to know one another as a family. Watching them travel to and from sessions and interact with each other was inspiring, and I’m glad I had a small part in their experience. 

During the morning and afternoon sessions, I was found at the Adventure Tower at the Planning and Initiative session. This session included zip-lining, a rock wall, and rappelling. Leadership Camp has the motto of “challenge by choice,” encouraging campers to try something new that may seem intimidating at first. Having the chance to cheer the campers on as they rang the bell at the top of the rock wall, or when they finally take that first step off the platform onto the zipline was amazing.

I loved being able to lead opening and closing conversations, something we call “bookends.” These bookends give us the chance to connect this session not only to the rest of the camp experience, but to life outside of 4-H. Our talks ranged from people that plan well in their lives, VanVleet presenting a thank you gift to some of the camp's a time when they had to take the initiative to do something scary or stressful. I loved getting to watch each group support and encourage one another. 

All in all, I am so grateful to say I had the chance to experience this wonderful camp. Serving as a camp counselor has been one of my favorite things to do in 4-H on the county level, and this was such a cool experience to be able to participate in. I am so thankful I got to make new connections and enhance previous ones with the staff and the campers. I can’t wait to see what these outstanding leaders accomplish in the future, and I’m honored to have had the opportunity to prepare them for it.