June 24, Breakfast on the Farm (Metamora)—9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Join Fulton County Extension for a farm-to-plate dining experience at Triple H Farms. Additional information can be found on the Fulton County Extension Facebook page, and reservations can be completed online.
June 24, Summer Charity Pull (Hicksville)—9 a.m.
Visit the Defiance County Fairgrounds for a fun day benefiting Helping Hands and Conquer Childhood Cancer Now. Activities will include a craft show, a petting zoo, face painting, and horse carriage rides. The admission fee is $5 and a 50/50 and silent auction will take place during the truck pulls. Visit the Defiance County Fair website to complete a truck pull entry form, or contact Alexis Sprow at 419-980-0196 or alexis.guilford@yahoo.com for more information.
June 25, 4-H Ice Cream Social (Bowling Green)—6–7 p.m.
Join Wood County 4-H alumni and friends for an ice cream social at the Wood County Junior Fair Building. Dinner will include shredded chicken sandwiches, hot dogs, ice cream, and cookies. Local 4-H clubs and the 4-H STEM bus will be present to engage kids in activities. Visit the Wood County 4-H Facebook page for additional information.
June 27, Canning Basics (Carrollton)—6–7 p.m.
Carroll County Extension is hosting a canning basics program at the Carroll County District Library. Topics of discussion will include when and why to can foods, canning equipment, canning food safely, and helpful canning resources. Call the library at 330-627-2613 to register.
July 15, 4-H Community Sale (Jefferson)—9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Check out the 4-H Community Sale at the Ashtabula County Fairgrounds this summer. The event is open to the public, and a variety of crafts, tack, antiques, and other goods will be available for purchase. The event is free to attend, with a $20 fee for prospective vendors. For more information and to access the vendor registration form, visit the 4-H Community Sale Facebook page.
July 15, Miami County 4-H Barbecue (Troy)—9 a.m.–8 p.m.
Come out to the Miami County Fairgrounds for a day of fun for the whole family. The day will begin with a showmanship clinic hosted by the Bits and Pieces 4-H Club and will conclude with a barbecue dinner. Visit the Miami County Extension Facebook page for more information.
September 14, Celebration of Youth (Ostrander)—5 p.m.
Join us for the 4-H Celebration of Youth event at Leeds Farm, 8738 Marysville Road, Ostrander. This is an adult-only event (ages 21 and older) that includes opportunities to play on the farm! Whether you want to mingle and visit with 4-H friends or ride the zip line, there is something for everyone. For more details, visit the Celebration of Youth website.
September 16, Licking County 4-H Golf Outing (Granville)—8:30 a.m.
Plan to join the Licking County 4-H Committee for their 8th Annual Golf Outing to support Licking County 4-H scholarships and awards. You can support 4-H by golfing during the event, sponsoring a hole, being a corporate sponsor, or providing door or raffle prizes. Registration is due by Sept. 6 and includes a fee of $65. Visit the Licking County 4-H Facebook page or contact Darrick Foster at 740-475-7017 or cdfoster1@twc.com.