Since 1927, 4-H’ers have been traveling to Washington, D.C., to participate in National 4-H Conference, the ultimate civic engagement opportunity for 4-H members. In April, 10 delegates from Ohio made the trip and learned how to connect, engage, lead, and impact their communities, nation, and world.
Youth participated in roundtable discussions with their peers on topics they are passionate about and learned about future career opportunities from experts in a variety of fields. “I was especially excited to be a part of discussions on the Cooperative Extension System and mental health in agriculture,” said Adrianna Meyer, a delegate from Henry County.
4-H’ers also spoke with their senators and representatives and presented to federal partner agencies about important issues in their communities. “The Ohio 4-H Youth Delegation was exceptional in their presentations and the insights they shared with our nation’s leadership,” said
Chris Bruynis, agriculture and natural resources educator in Ross County and one of the trip’s chaperones. “The National 4-H Conference was an excellent opportunity for Ohio youth to research and present on issues relevant to their future to USDA partners in Washington, D.C.”
Mela Lin, 4-H member from Butler County, said participating in these important conversations was valuable. “Going into this trip, I was looking forward to learning and presenting about the prevalence of food waste in schools. I enjoyed getting to explore so many interesting topics throughout the week.”
The delegates also had the opportunity to explore the nation’s capital while at the conference. They visited Arlington National Cemetery to watch the Changing of the Guard, spent a day on the National Mall, and explored the many monuments and memorials in the city.
“I was able to learn real-world leadership and professional skills at roundtable sessions while getting to experience our nation’s capital. I love meeting teens from across the nation and getting to connect with those who share the same passions as I do,” said Emily Scaff, a Scioto County delegate.
The Ohio 4-H Youth Delegation is grateful for the opportunity to participate in this life-changing experience and represent Ohio at this year’s conference. The delegation extends their thanks to all the donors who made their trip possible. If you would like to give to support this experience in the future, please donate to the Ohio National 4-H Conference fund.