Ohio 4-H members participating in the Eastern Nationals 4-H Horse Roundup in Louisville, Kentucky came home with numerous awards this month. Stacey McKnight from Hocking County was the high individual overall for the horse judging contest, as well as first overall in oral reasons. Other participants included: Isee Beither, Hailey Kidwell, Andrea Klingelhafer, Coaches Amanda Thompson and Jessica Klingelhafer from Ohio State - Hocking County 4-H; Hannah Benoit, Ellie Davis, Emily Garside, Zak Kemmer, Mallory Palagyi, and Coach Sara Justice from Summit County; Lily Bauman, Madison Laughery, Angel Mathus, Lily Weber, and Coach Debbie Manring from Ohio State - Delaware County 4-H; Ana Valdespino, Brelynn Richison, and Faith Schneider from Montgomery County 4-H. Find all the results on the Ohio 4-H Horse Program Facebook page.