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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


4-H Professionals Honored

Oct. 19, 2023
Trophy with black 4-H clover on it

More than 70 Ohio 4-H professionals attended the 2023 National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals conference in Pittsburgh, PA. Recognized with the Achievement in Service Award were Danielle Combs, Sarah Longo, Elizabeth Share, and Elizabeth Smith. Receiving the Distinguished Service Award were Christy Clary, Lisa Manning, Tracie Montague, and Rebecca Supinger. The Meritorious Service Award was received by Bruce Zimmer, with Jodi Black honored for 25 years of service. Theresa Ferrari was received the Susan Barkman Award for Research and Evaluation and Bruce Zimmer received a Communicator Award for his radio program. We couldn't be more proud of all our outstanding 4-H professionals who work daily to make the best better for 4-H youth!