Livestock Judging Teams Represent Ohio at National Contests
The top three senior teams from the 2017 Ohio State Fair 4-H Livestock Judging Contest earn opportunities to represent Ohio 4-H and compete at national livestock judging contests. 4-H members from Ross/Highland, Warren, and Wood counties recently competed at three national events. Congratulations to our outstanding youth judges!
Ross/Highland County 4-Hers Represent Ohio 4-H at the Western National Roundup
4-H members Bryn Karnes, Eric Anderson, Ethan Cockerill, and Garrett Brewer, along with coach Christopher Fitzpatrick, travelled to Denver, Colorado in early January. The team judged twelve classes of livestock, and prepared and delivered six sets of oral reasons as part of the Western National Roundup Livestock Judging Contest. The team placed in the top twenty overall, and was the fourth highest team in the cattle division.
The team also visited the Rocky Mountain National Park, toured the country’s largest cattle feedlot company, attended the Western National Stock Show and Trade Show, and explored downtown Denver.
Warren County 4-Hers Represent Ohio 4-H at the Keystone International Livestock Exposition (KILE)
4-H members from Warren County traveled to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania to compete in two competitions against 4-H and FFA teams from 10 different states. The team was coached by Greg Meyer, Ohio State University Extension Educator from Warren County.
Stockman’s Contest
The Stockman’s Contest requires students to judge classes of beef, sheep, swine, wool and beef steaks. Additionally, students are quizzed on breed, retail meat cut, and livestock equipment identification; quality assurance; and current agricultural events.
The team consisting of Caroline Bensman, Joe Bensman, Paul Bensman, and Garrett Brown finished 3rd out of 71 teams, and the team consisting of Alyssa Chaney, Katie Feldman, Jera Jordan, and Shelby Shank finished 7th.
Individually, the top five individuals overall in the contest are interviewed to determine the top stockman in the competition. Paul Bensman was named the 2nd High Stockman.
Top 10 individual rankings from the Stockman’s Contest included:
Paul Bensman
- 2nd High Individual Overall
- 2nd Individual – Meat
- 4th Individual - Identification
- 10th Individual - Management
Joe Bensman
- 6th High Individual Overall
- 6th Individual - Identification
Katie Feldman
- 9th Individual – Meat
Jera Jordan
- 8th Individual – Meat
Livestock Judging Contest
Paul Bensman, Katie Feldmann, Jera Jordan and Shelby Shank competed in the livestock judging contest. Each state is permitted to enter only one 4-H and one FFA team in the competition. Contestants judged 12 classes of livestock (ranked 4 animals in each class), gave four sets of oral reasons about their class placings to industry experts, and answered questions about two classes of livestock. The team finished 5th in swine, 9th in oral reasons and 9th in cattle.
Individually, Jera Jordan placed 7th in beef cattle and Shelby Shank placed 10th in swine.
Wood County 4-Hers Represent Ohio 4-H at the American Royal
4-H members from Wood County traveled to Kansas City, Missouri to compete against 4-H teams from 16 different states. The team was coached by Ivan Belleville.
Hunter Smith, Sydney Mazey, Ashlyn O'Brien, and Kylie O'Brien competed in the livestock judging contest. Each state is permitted to enter only one 4-H and one FFA team in the competition. Contestants judged 10 classes of market and breeding livestock, and gave six sets of oral reasons about their class placings. The team finished 8th overall, 7th in swine, 6th in beef, and 9th in oral reasons.
Top 10 individual rankings from the contest included:
Ashlyn O’Brien
- 6th Individual - Swine
Sydney Mazey
- 9th Individual – Beef
Thank you to Rural King, Ohio State University Extension – 4-H Youth Development, and the Mildred and Harold Hart 4-H Endowment Fund for helping to sponsor travel for our top senior teams.