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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


Marvin Olinsky: National 4-H Hall of Fame Inductee

May. 9, 2016
The vision that created Adventure Central in Dayton fulfilled the dream that Marvin Olinsky had to connect urban youth with nature in a positive context, with the goal of creating capable, caring and contributing citizens. His efforts that resulted in the Adventure Central partnership with Five Rivers MetroParks in Dayton, OSU Extension and 4-H, along with his lifelong commitment to 4-H, earned Marvin a place in the 2016 National 4-H Hall of Fame.
Marvin credits 4-H with the success he has achieved. He had dyslexia as a child and his parents strived to provide opportunities to learn, including 4-H. Because of his learning challenges, he had a strong interest in working with youth. He often states that, if not for 4-H, he would have dropped out of school.
Adventure Central is an education center for youth ages 5-18 with a focus on after-school programs, activity nights, camps and parent/family programs. Since opening in 2000, Adventure Central has served more than 2,500 youth with 100,000 direct contact hours from programs.
Marvin was also recognized with the North Central Region Lifetime Volunteer Salute to Excellence Aware and is an inductee into Ohio 4-H Hall of Fame. 
The induction ceremony will be held this fall at the National 4-H Center.