April 22, Chili Cook Off and Family Fun Night (Jefferson)—Sponsored by the Ashtabula County 4-H Camp Counselors, the seventh annual Ashtabula County Chili Cook Off and Family Fun Night will take place on Friday, April 22, from 6–8 p.m. at the Ashtabula County A-Tech Cafeteria B Building. Tickets are $5, and children under 3 are free. For more information, contact Abbey Averill at averill.10@osu.edu.
April 25, Earth Day Plant Swap (Seville)—OSU Master Gardeners invite you to participate in the plant swap at the 2022 Earth Day Festival at Buffalo Creek Retreat. Please bring an established house plant of any kind to swap! For more information about the swap and how to divide house plants, visit us at https://linktr.ee/earthdayfestival.
May 1, Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp Open House (Jackson)—Noon to 4 p.m. Visit Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp on Sunday, May 1, for a day of FREE hiking, fishing, boating, archery, and more! Alumni and families are welcome! Learn more by visiting https://www.facebook.com/CantersCave or this flyer.
May 7, Ohio 4-H Night at the Dayton Dragons (Dayton)—The game is at the Day Air Ballpark in downtown Dayton on Saturday, May 7, at 7:05 p.m., with gates opening at 6 p.m. Please be sure to line up behind the outfield lawn area (Lawn D) by 6:15 p.m. to participate in a pregame parade of all the 4-H counties in attendance this evening. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at www.go.osu.edu/ohio4hdaytondragons.
June 9, Whiz Bang Science Show (Wooster)—7 p.m. Dr. Dave Lohnes, CFAES Wooster’s popular Whiz-Bang Scientist, teaches children about science and the natural world in an enriching outdoor environment. Shows are fun for the entire family! Parking and admission are free. The show is cancelled in the event of severe weather. Contact Paul Snyder snyder.1062@osu.edu with questions.
June 12, Defiance County Craft & Vendor Show (Hicksville)—Annual craft and vendor show held at the Defiance County Fairgrounds. Proceeds benefit Junior and Senior Fair Boards and the Defiance County 4-H Youth Development Program.
Aug. 28, Clover Classic Golf Scramble to benefit 4-H Camp Graham (Wilmington)—1 p.m. You’re invited to join the fun of the ninth annual Clover Classic Golf Scramble at Majestic Springs Golf Course. Proceeds raised will benefit 4-H Camp Graham. Everything from players, sponsors, and raffle items are needed to make this outing a success.
Oct. 6, 4-H Celebration of Youth (Ostrander)—Join us for 4-H Celebration of Youth on Thursday, Oct. 6, at Leeds Farm (8738 Marysville Road, Ostrander). This is an adult-only event that will include opportunities to play on the farm! Whether you want to mingle and visit with 4-H friends or ride the zipline, there is something for everyone! For more details, visit our Celebration of Youth website.