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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


Ohio 4-H in the Nation's Capital

A group of Ohio 4-H'ers participating in Capitol Hill visits during CWF.

Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) is a weeklong 4‑H program for youth ages 14-19, promoting leadership and civic action. Each year Ohio sends two groups to Washington D.C. for this premier leadership experience. Youth stay at the National 4-H Center and have the opportunity to see citizenship in action, with a  behind-the-scenes look at how our government works and meet with members of Congress. CWF participants had the opportunity to meet with elected officials to take a look at how our government works.

Katie Ketcham from Hardin County was a member of the Ohio delegation:

My experience to CWF was one for a lifetime! My favorite part was Twilight Tattoo. Seeing the different military maneuvers and progression over the years made me proud to be a part of it as a young American.  I learned our Congress does not pass laws lightly. A lot of detail and work goes into each bill to make the U.S. even better.


Brooke enjoying her time at CWF. Brooke Fleshman from Franklin County, another Ohio 4-H delegate shared her experience:

CWF was a fantastic trip! There were lots of sessions at the National 4-H Center, where we drafted bills. Our bill was selected to go through the full process of selection, which was really cool. I loved being able to communicate our ideas. My favorite part was the free time that we had at the certain places in the city, especially a farmer’s market at the USDA. It was great  see people from the surrounding buildings came together at this farmers market for a wholesome meal. Overall, it was a wonderful trip and it was an incredible learning experience I will never forget. 


The CWF experience includes visits to national monuments and museums, and a better understanding of how the nation’s history shaped our government. Along with this, youth leave CWF having developed their leadership skills and sense of citizenship, and of course, new friendships with 4-H’ers across the country. CWF programming includes tours of the monuments in Washington D.C.