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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


4-H Youth Represents Ohio on National 4-H Congress Design Team

National 4-H Congress is a five-day educational experience that is the premier nationwide event for 4-H members around the country. Participants have the opportunity to engage in leadership, citizenship, global awareness, and inclusion while networking with other 4-H’ers. Ohio 4-H member and now 4-H alum, Carson Fulks, was selected as one of eight youth to be on the design team. He worked on a team to plan and execute an event for over 1,000 youth from across the nation in Atlanta. 

Carson Fulks holding Ohio flag at National Congress

Here's what Carson shared about the experience:

Throughout Congress I led events, spoke publicly, took pictures of participants, and aided in maintaining a smooth-running event. National 4-H Congress 2018 was by far my favorite 4-H event I ever participated in. I became close with my fellow Design Team members and truly believe that we worked diligently to plan and execute the best event for the youth of 4-H.

The Ohio 4-H program prepared me well to meet the requirements of a Design Team Member. My personal development excelled because my experience in 4-H.  I was able to use my leadership and public speaking skills at the national level because of my experiences.

I am forever grateful to the 4-H program for everything I was taught and cannot wait to see the next challenge that 4-H helps me answer.

National 4-H Congress Design Team