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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


4-H Cloverbuds become Princess for a Day

A group of young girls with Hartford Fair Royalty.

Although it’s cold outside now, it will soon be time for county fairs. Every summer, fairs around Ohio crown young men and women as fair royalty. A new event in Licking County gives young children the opportunity to get the royal treatment.

Last summer, the Hartford Independent Fair launched Princess for a Day for 4-H Cloverbuds. It was the brainchild of Licking County 4-H alumna Morgan McCutcheon, based on her experience as the 2017 Hartford Fair Queen and subsequent selection as the 2018 Ohio Fairs’ Queen.  

“When I was queen, I had lots of little girls come up to me and tell me they wanted to be like me someday,” A young woman holding a microphone that a girl is talking into.McCutcheon said. “The wheels started turning, and I thought, ‘How can we get them more involved?’ ”

Her idea led to Princess for a Day, designed to provide more opportunities for young 4-H’ers at the fair. Twelve girls were selected who received their own crown, presented ribbons at livestock shows, and spent their day with the fair’s royalty.

Princess for a Day received positive feedback from the Hartford Independent Fair and other fair boards throughout Ohio. McCutcheon is planning to continue the program in 2022 and include princes to serve alongside the princesses.

If you are interested in learning more about the Princess for a Day program, contact McCutcheon at girl handing a ribbon to a teen boy showing a dairy heifer.