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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


Ohio 4-H participates in 4-H at Home effort

Young girl with hands over her heart and the 4-H clover.

With COVID-19 disrupting learning for 55 million young people, National 4-H Council created 4-H at Home on their website, offering hands-on activities for youth. 4-H professionals from Ohio, along with other states have contributed to the site.

Check out a few of the Ohio activities:

Perfect Stay at Home Projects

Project Idea Starter: My Stay at Home Summer

Ohio 4-H Healthy Living Journal

Field Trip Friday

Cloverbud Click It, Print It, Do It Activities

4-H'ers are 4x more likely to give back to their communities'.Kids need us now more than ever. As part of this effort, National 4-H Council launched the FOURWARD Fund, so every child can learn and feel connected, regardless of access to school, 4-H or virtual learning. Ohio 4-H has local opportunities you can support.  Learn more about ways to give at