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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


Ohio 4-H Highlights: November 2019

  1. Dr. Kirk Bloir

    The new Ohio 4-H state leader is a familiar face!

  2. Teens pictured at the Union on Ohio State's campus.

    Teens from Adams, Jackson, Pike and Scioto counties traveled to Columbus this month to learn about careers in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) at The Ohio State University.

  3. Youth participating in JET programming.

    Youth participating in the Job Experience and Training (JET) Program at Adventure Central learn skills to prepare them for the world of work.

  4. 4-H Educator Justin Bower leading a STEAM activity.

    The fourth annual STEAM on the Quad took place this fall, continuing a partnership between The Ohio State University at Lima and OSU Extension.

  5. Madelyn Smith, Ivy Smith, and Callia Barwick

    When the Ohio Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics was preparing a training to educate about adolescent e-cigarette usage, they wanted teens to serve on their advisory panel.

  6. Crystal working on her Let's Begin Cooking project.

    Each month we highlight Ohio 4-H alumni.

  7. Calendar of events

    Check out these events we thought you'd enjoy!