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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


Ohio 4-H Highlights: September 2020

  1. A person on a computer looking at Farm Science Review Online.

    If the possibility of seeing a robot milking cows, watching baby chicks hatch, or exploring farming in Hawaii intrigues you, watch and listen to Farm Science Review’s virtual 4-H talks Sept. 22–24.

  2. A Camp...ish participant making thank you cards.

    This year has been filled with unexpected challenges, but thanks to the creativity of Ohio 4-H professionals, youth have had the opportunity to participate in unique and innovative learning experiences.

  3. Mars Base Camp - Explore a hands-on mission to Mars at home!

    We’re launching a trip to Mars and we want to help you get there!

  4. Meghan Kieffer with her rabbits.

    In March, Kiersten Heckel, Tuscarawas County 4-H educator, and Chris Kendle, FCS educator, planned an event with the Dover Public Library to introduce youth to 4-H and farm animals.

  5. Bob with a sheep at the 1961 Hartford Fair.

    Each month we highlight an Ohio 4-H alumnus.

  6. October 7 is National 4-H Spirit Day.

    Check out these virtual events we thought you'd enjoy!