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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


Blast-off to Mars with Ohio 4-H and join the 4-H STEM Challenge

Mars Base Camp - Explore a hands-on mission to Mars at home!

We’re launching a trip to Mars and we want to help you get there! The 2020 4-H STEM Challenge explores sending a mission to Mars and what it takes to sustain life in space. The Mars Base Camp kit includes activities that use STEM skills like mechanical engineering, physics, computer science, and agriculture.

We want Ohio 4-H families to join in, and thanks to the Ohio 4-H Foundation and Google, you can receive an $8 discount on the Mars Base Camp family kit. The family kit is available at for $15.95, plus shipping, but with the Ohio 4-H discount and the $5 discount available on their website, your final cost is just $7.80 + tax. Mars Base Camp - Explore a hands-on mission to Mars at home!

Want to learn more? Get ready to blast off: 

Participate online with a coding challenge at Insight from Mars