Sept. 21–23, Farm Science Review (London)—Tuesday and Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tickets are $7 in advance or $10 at the gate. Farm Science Review will feature agriculture-related products, manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors of farm types of machinery, fertilizers, seeds, and more. Click here for more information.
Sept. 25, STEAM on the Quad (Lima)—10 a.m. Experience just how fun STEAM can be with hands-on experiments and activities. STEAM on the Quad will host 30-plus activities for families and kids K–8 to improve their knowledge and interest in STEAM fields. Preregister for this event.
Sept. 26, Niki Schaub 4-H Scholarship Golf Scramble (Waynesfield)—8:15 a.m. All proceeds benefit the Niki Schaub 4-H Scholarship in Auglaize County. $50 entry fee per person, includes greens fees, cart, and barbecue chicken dinner. Call 419-568-7888 to register foursomes for the scramble, or call 937-489-6999 to register as a single.
Sept. 30, GROBucks—Tomatoes (Troy) —Noon. Join us for GROBucks in September. We’ll focus on garden tomatoes; planting, growing, harvesting, and cooking with them. Participants will leave with a tomato knife for home use and a fun tomato make and take. Preregistration is required, and the cost for this session is $7. The deadline to register is Sept. 29; register at If you have questions, please contact Amanda Bennett at the OSU Extension Miami County office, 937-440-3945 or This session will be held in person only.
Oct. 2, 4-H Celebration of Youth: 4-H Leading the Way (Ostrander)—6:30 p.m. This event is open to all friends of 4-H age 21 and older. The 24th annual Ohio 4-H fundraiser will be held at Leeds Farm in Ostrander on Saturday, Oct. 2, at 6:30 p.m. This year’s event includes casual dress and farm activities. Individual tickets are $100. Tickets for young adults ages 21–30 are buy one, get one free. Tickets will include a meal and drink ticket, as well as the opportunity to enjoy ziplining, pumpkin jump, adult trikes, hayrides, and so much more! For ticket and sponsorship information, visit
Oct. 9, Ashtabula County Community Sale (Jefferson)—9 a.m. Crafts, flea market, antiques, and more at the Ashtabula County Fairgrounds to support the mission of 4-H. Open to the public, no entry fee. For more information, email
Oct. 16–17, Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp Alumni Weekend (Jackson)—3 p.m. Join us Oct. 16–17 to relive your best camp memories and make a few new ones. Register at
Nov. 6, Cultivate the Clover of Ottawa County (Oak Harbor)—5 p.m. Tickets for the Cultivate the Clover of Ottawa County Dinner and Auction are now available for purchase at the Ottawa Ciounty OSU Extension office, 419-898-3631. Tickets are $30 each. Cultivate the Clover provides financial support for 4-H programming, education, recognition, and participation in local, state, and national leadership activities.
Nov. 13, Camp Ohio 5K Adventure Trail Run & Walk (Saint Louisville)—Save the date for the annual 5K Adventure Trail Run & Walk. This event is a great opportunity to enjoy 4-H Camp Ohio’s beautiful trails and is open to all ages. More information coming soon at