2024Â Ohio State Fair 4-H Livestock Judging Contest
NEW Ohio 4-H Livestock Judging Coaches Group
- Join our Remind group for updates on practice contests, judging clinics, and more!
- Class code: @osulive
Study and Preparation Resources Â
- Ohio State Fair 4-H Livestock Judging Rules (Posted 04.2.2024)
- Ohio State Fair 4-H Livestock Judging Contest Instructions (Posted 02.22.2024)
- OSU General Livestock Webinar Recordings 2024:Â
- Example oral reasons videos by The Ohio State University Livestock Judging Team
- Lesson on note-taking and oral reasons by Jenna Siegel
- Excerpts from The Ohio State University 2014 Livestock Selection and Evaluation Manual written by Kyle Culp:
- Fundamental Concepts of Evaluating Livestock - Includes: Function of Livestock, Evaluating Livestock, and Note Taking (including a sample format on page 162 and examples)
- Growth and Development of Livestock
- Oral Reasons
- University of Idaho Livestock Judging and Oral Reasons Manuals (free to download):
- Beef, Sheep, and Swine Selection and Evaluation Project Book ($11)
- Livestock Judging Guide Project Book ($6.95)
- Pennsylvania 4-H Livestock Judging Manual (free)
- JudgingPro.com
- LivestockJudging.com
Ohio 4-H State Livestock Judging Teams
Ohio 4-H All-Star Judging Team
The Ohio 4-H All-Star Judging Team traveled to NAILE to compete in the National 4-H Livestock Judging Contest. We are so proud of their success!
Team Results:
- 4th high team sheep/goats
- 11th overall team
Individual Results:
- Carter Lampe 10th sheep/goats
Marking Team Members:
- Alexis Perry (Ottawa)
- Seth Fearon (Darke)
- Grant Belleville (Wood)
- Carter Lampe (Wood)
- Kirsten Kemner
If you are interested in becoming a part of the future All-Star Teams, you must place in the top 20 senior individuals.
Marion County Livestock Judging Team
Our 2nd place team in the Ohio State 4-H Judging Contest earned a trip to the American Royal 4-H Judging Contest in Kansas City. We are so proud of their dedication and success. Way to represent Ohio!
Team Results:
- 7th overall Team
- Sheep/Goats 5th
- Cattle 6th
- Swine 7th
- Reasons 8th
Individual Results:
- Abby Isler: 6th Cattle
- Marinn McGuire : 9th Sheep/Goats
- Sydney Stirm: 4th Hogs, 17th overall individual
Team Members:
- Kendal Widman
- Abby Isler
- Marinn McGuire
- Sydney Stirm
- Owen Osting
- Madelyn O'Donnell
- JoAnn Fogle
- Katie Criswell
- Levi Criswell
We wanted to highlight another one of our 4-H judging teams that had the opportunity to travel to a national contest to compete. The Tuscarawas 4-H Judging Team traveled to the Keystone International Livestock Exposition. They were honored with the following awards:
- 10th overall
- Jackson Brandt 3rd overall & swine 22nd Angus
- Ethan Specht 23rd overall Sheep/Goat
- Brady Evans 21st overall
- Terri Specht
Congratulations Tuscarawas County!
The Warren County 4-H Livestock Judging Team represented Ohio 4-H at the Western National 4-H Livestock Judging Contest on January 10, 2025.
The competition is held at the National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colorado. Twenty-five states and 96 individuals competed in the competition. Contestants judged 12 classes of livestock and gave six sets of oral reasons during the contest.
Team Results:
- 9th Overall Team
- 5th Overall In Beef Cattle
- 6th Overall In Swine
Individual Results:
- Thomas Hicks 5th Overall and 5th In Beef Cattle
- Karissa Treadway 10th In Beef Cattle
Team Members:
- Thomas Hicks
- Karissa Treadway
- Mae Frazee
- Abigail Schwieterman
- Greg Meyer, Ohio State University Extension Educator
- Becky Goehring
Congratulations, Warren County 4-H Livestock Judging Team!
Congratulations to these 4-H'ers on their outstanding achievements!
If you have an interest in supporting future trips for 4-H youth, please consider supporting them today through this fund: https://go.osu.edu/donate4hlivestockjudging