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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


Calendar of Events

Calendar of events

October 28, School Garden Conference (Columbus)—9 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
Come explore the sense of community a school garden creates while also cultivating the diversity of plants and people that can be found in the garden. A continental breakfast, lunch, and all program materials will be included in the $65 registration fee, and more information can be found in the event flyer. Register at, or contact Sue Hogan at 614-292-7746 or for more information.

October 31–December 19. Unwrap your Gifts (Email Wellness Challenge)
Join the “Unwrap Your Gifts” six-week email wellness challenge for healthy living tips, recipe ideas, and encouragement to help you make the most of this holiday season. This challenge will include weekly emails and webinars, and access to the Ohio State University Extension Live Healthy Live Well Blog. It is open to any adult with an email address. To sign up, complete this brief form, and contact Roseanne Scammahorn at 937-548-5215 or with any questions.

November 5, Living with Wildlife (Mentor)—10 a.m.–11 a.m.
Join the Lake County Master Gardener Volunteers to learn ways to coexist with your furry and feathered friends, especially in winter. There is no cost to attend but registration is required. For registration instructions and information, visit

November 5, Jackson County Friends of 4-H Fundraiser (Jackson)—5 p.m.–8 p.m.
Save the date for the upcoming Friends of 4-H Banquet! This event starts at 5 p.m. on Nov. 5 at Canter's Cave and includes dinner, silent and live auctions, and a 50/50 raffle. Contact Elsie Rouse at 740-415-8525 for information about tickets or Lissa Warrens at 740-395-6991 with questions about donations and event details.

November 21, Holiday Container Class (Lisbon)—6:30 p.m.
Turn your pots into holiday masterpieces! The class will cover form and style, as well as how to find and use greenery, berries, and other cuttings from your garden in your designs. The cost is $20, and preregistration is required. For more information, contact Angie Keshock at 330-870-1167 or

December 10, Ohio Military Kids Winter Wonderland (Central Ohio)—1 p.m.–4 p.m.
Military families may join the Ohio Military Kids program for a FREE Winter Wonderland event on Saturday, Dec. 10. Crafts, snacks, family activities, and a special visit from Santa are included. Winter Wonderland is from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., with the event’s Central Ohio location shared after registration is completed. Registration is required and due by Nov. 30.

Thursdays, January 19–March 23, Master Gardener Volunteer Intern Training (Troy)—8:30 a.m.–4 p.m.
OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program provides intensive training in horticulture to interested Ohio residents. Master Gardeners then volunteer by assisting with educational programs and activities for Ohio residents through their local OSU Extension county office. Volunteers are not required to have gardening skills or knowledge, but a passion for learning about gardening and sharing this knowledge is a must. For more information, visit the Miami County Extension website or email Amanda Bennett at The deadline to register is Oct. 28 and the class fee is $200 ($50 due with application).