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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


Ohio 4-H Highlights: October 2023

  1. Helt (second from left) smiles for a photo with his wife, Marlene (left), state 4-H leader Kirk Bloir (second from right), and Ohio 4-H Foundation manager Crystal Ott (right).

    Ohio 4-H is honored to recognize Jim Helt, the newest member of the National 4-H Hall of Fame.

  2. Youth in the Boys’ Group learning about their health at the Adventure Central Garden.

    Each year, JOANN donates thousands of dollars to support Ohio 4-H youth programming.

  3. Purchase your very own custom 4-H LEGO kit today!

    The Ohio 4-H Foundation unveiled a brand new 4-H-themed LEGO kit at the Celebration of Youth, perfect for any supporter of 4-H!

  4. The Healthy Living delegation posing for a photo at the Ignite by 4-H National Youth Summit.

    In 2022 the Ohio 4-H Health HEROES (Health Education Resources for Outreach, Engagement, and Service) program returned after a two-year hiatus.

  5. Justin Bower

    Each month, we highlight an Ohio 4-H alum who has an amazing story to share—from their personal experience in 4-H to how they have given back to the program.

  6. Calendar of events

    Check out these events we thought you'd enjoy!