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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


2013 News & Notes Archive

December 22
Photos needed for O4-HC, O4-HC Registration, Family Guide Corrections, 2013 OSF Style Review Photos, Bulk Orde Opportunity, Project and OSF Requirements, Teen Dating Study, Farmland Preservation Scholarship, GIS-GPS Leadership Team

December 15
2014 CWF, OSU AP Stylebook, New Label for Rockets Away, 2014 Ohio Fairs Schedule, 4-H Professionals Receive Awards, YMCA Internship Opportunity

December 8
INDEX:  2013 Excellence in 4-H Award Winner, 2013 Excellence in Extension Award Winner, 2014 Teen Advisory Council Application, 2014 Ohio Ambassador Application, Student Aid Product, Farmland Preservation Essay Contest, ACA, OCC Registration, Wilerness First Responder Course, 2014 Outreach & Engagement Grants

December 1
INDEX: Counselor College, NOYS Youth Board Nominations

November 24
INDEX: State Leadership Camp Dates, 2014 OFMA Jr Fair Conference Registration, Project Y.E.S., 4-H Participation at National Ag Day, Program Grant Offered to 4-H

November 17
INDEX: CNI update, Marketing Materials for Ohio 4-H Project Central, Note from ATI, Nominate Volunteers and Supporters, Discover Yourself in 4-H Artwork, Monsanto Fund "America's Farmers Grow Communities", AgriCorps, Animals in Public Settings

November 10
11.5.13 Resources, Yough Financial Literacy Contest, Local STEM Grant, National Mentoring, ServeOhio Grants

November 3
MXC Workshop, Upcoming Events, 40 Chances Book

October 27
INDEX:  Engineering Competition, Extension Annual Conference, Master's in Plant Health Management Degree

October 20
INDEX:  Science Saturdays, 4-H night at the Crew, Morton's 80th Birthday.

October 13
4-H Professionals' Update, 4-H Dairy Judging Team, Smith Joins OSUE, Farmland Preservation Contest, 4-H & Ultimate Mentor Adventure, TSC Paper Clovers, Excellence in 4-H Nominations

October 6
INDEX:  Web Based Enrolment System, Cloverbud Connections, Ohio 4-H Engineering Team, ATI at your Door, NCRV 4-H E-Forum, Ag Safety

September 29
Ohio 4-H Records Retention, Science Saturdays, 4-H Night w/ Columbus Crew, 2014OSF Companion Animal Judging, Nancy Hudson to Nat'l 4-H Hall of Fame, Andrea Vessel in Catalog, NCRV e-forum dates, Ohio Beekeepers Confreence, SF Youth Advisory Baord, National Youth Conference Center Program Assistant positions, Excellence in 4-H Nominations, Hold Dates, OVC/OTC RFP

October 6
INDEX:  4-H Web Based Enrollment Systems Transitions, Cloverbud Connections, 4-H Engineering Team, EdgeU Tech Blog, ATI at your door, ATI Fall Visits, NCRV 4-H E- Forum, AG Safety

September 22
INDEX:  4-H Club/Affiliate Financial Management, 4-H Center Featured, TSC Fall Paper Clover, 4-H Features on PBS, 4-H Youth in Action Award Applications, Pruential spirit of Community Awards, Excellence in 4-H Nominations, Hold Dates, OVC/OTC RFP

September 15
INDEX: Excellence in 4-H AwardNominations, Connecting Schools, Jobs & Communities Conference,  Hold dates, OVC OTC RFP

September 8
INDEX:  Hold Dates for AQC Signature Program and 4-H Professional's Fall Update, ACCESS 4-H Year-End Info, NCR-SARE Youth Grants, OFMA Jr. Fair Conf Planning Meeting, USDA Farm to School Program

September 1
 Youth Rep. for 4-H Foundation, County Fair Survey, Master Clothing Educator, Carving New Ideas, TSC Fall Clover Campaign, Teen Connections Newsletter, OTC/OVC RFP, Interships Available, ACEL Fall Campus Days

August 25
INDEX:  Ohio 4-H GEN Has Received Approval, Videos & Photos Needed, , National 4-H History Preservation Newsletter, 2013 National 4-H Week, 

August 18
INDEX:  So Long, Rate My Project, Galaxy September 16-20, 4-H National Youth Science Day,  Ohio Fair Managers Convention, Smithsonian Agriculture Innovation and Heritage Archive, 

August 11
INDEX:  OSF Skillathon Results, Ohio Youth Wins 4-H Molina Video Contest, Serve Ohio Awards, 4-H/TSC Clover Campaign, Leadership Washington Focus

August 4
INDEX:  Real Money, Real World In-service, International Program, 4-H Name and Emblem, 2013 Partnership Awards, CEO National 4-H Council

July 28
2012 Ohio 4-H Statistical Report, Ed Tech Specialist, JoAnn Fabric Opportunity, Youth Trustee Nominations, Youth Summit Series, National Youth Science Day, Well Being of America's Children

July 21
Ohio 4-H Dairy Palooza

July 14
  Cloverbud Connections, Cobranding, ODA Signs for Fair Display, Influenza A Virus in Pigs, IJOVA, ServeOhio Awards

July 7 - no posting

June 30
In Memoriam - Vicki Reed, Marketing 4-H, Swine Health and County Exhibitions, 2013 H3N2, Show Pig Symposium

June 23
INDEX: Officials Remind Fair Goers to Practice Good Hygiene, 2013 Ohio Fairs Schedule

June 16
INDEX:  PAS Judges, Clinic for Youth/Horses, US Senate Page Program, Welding, OSF Entry Deadlines, Marketing 4-H, Covernor Council Award, Nationa 4-H History Preservation Newsletter, Team Up with Blue Jackets.

June 9
no issue published

June 2
INDEX:  Sea Camp Counselors Needed, Master Projects, Financial Managment documents, STEM Afterschool Programming, 

May 26
Health and Savety Speaking Informtion, 4-H Shirts for the summer

May 19
INDEX:  Workforce Prep Day at OSF, OSU Camp Policy on Protecting Minors, OMK Camp Counselor Opportunities,  4-H History Preservation, goLEAD training, Online Parenting Resource,  4-H New & Notes Improvements

May 12
:  Send a 4-H E-Card, 4-H Lawn Care, Ohio DairyPalooza, International Students Placed

May 5
INDEX:  Project Interview Questions, May Healthy Living Webinar

April 28
INDEX:  Design Team Update, May Healthy Living Webinar

April 21
INDEX:  Spring 4-h Assessment Survey, WAW, Leadership Camp, Dairy Judging Contest Results, Young Environmental Heroes, Committ to Our Communities, Health Video Challenge, Parent Engagement Education Program

INDEX:  755 Muzzleloader record book, TSC Paper Clover Campaign, State Farm Foundation Grant, NICE Conference

  Camp Piedmont Shooting sprots Camp, Pantry Panic at OSF, Achievement Awards/Scholarship Banquet, Cloverbud Connections, Cross County Line Membership. Grevance Process, Beef Expo Results, Paper Clover Campaign

INDEX:  Piedmont Shooting Sports Camp, Pantry Panic at OSF, Commodity Carnival Sites

 Sea Camp Registration, T-shirts Available, Baseball with the Buckeyes, AstroCamp, Camp Tech, OSF Spelling Bee, No Bull Video from OVC, Teens Talk on Health Video Challenge, OPPC Scholarships, Japanese Host Families, Youth Travel Overseas

4-H Research Request for Proposals, Special Needs Camp, OHio Pullorum Testing, Scarlet & Gray 4-H Judging, 4-H Volunteer Resources, OSU College of Vet Med Open House, Commodity Carnival, Nat'l Physical Activity Plan

INDEX:  Media Distribution e-mail, Diversity Symposium, Scarlet & Gray Ag Day Wins Award, Goat Clinic, 4-H International Webinar

Poultry Youth Clinic, Dairy Events, Achievement/Awards Banquet, 4-H at IX Center, Buck-I Serv

INDEX:  Plowboy Prom, Teen Connections Newsletter, Workforce Prep at OSF, OSU Junior Judging Days, 4-H dog Information, Master PetPALS, Animal Sciences Projects, Poultry Clinic, Nat'l 4-H Youth Conf Center, Adobe Youth Grants, Healthy Living Grants

  Pigeon Project, Space Adventure Camp, 2013 Achievement Award/Scholarship Banquet, 4-H Club Liability Insurance, OMK, Connect2Complete, Ohio Scholarship Challenge, Sever Weather Poster Contest, 4-H Video Project.


INDEX:  Sea Camp dates, Brundige RFP, Thanks to Planning Committee, OVC/OTC Sponsorships, Sewing Smorgasbord, Health & Safety Speaking Dates, National Urban Extension Conf.4-H Science Programs, Hasboro Hero Award

 4-H Fram Management Opportunity, Jr MG Resources, MyPlate, Project Completeion & Fair Requirements, Counselor Collete, 4-H Promotion Time

INDEX:  MXC Registration, Save the Date Awards Banquet, Equine E-News, OU Basketball & 4-H, 

INDEX:  QA Test-Out, Collegiate 4-H, Bioenergy Education, Feeding a Hungry Planet Summit, Mini Grant GenerationON, National 4-h History.

INDEX:  Application Reminders, OVC.OTC Registration, 4-H Liability/Insurance, Grab-N-Learn Sessions, ACA Conference, Cornell Childhood Obesity Course, Achievement & Scholarship Applications Due.

NDEX:  Summer Employment Opportunity, Master 4-H Projects, Cloverbud Connections Winter Issue, Science Saturday, State Dog Judges Seminar Registration, Call for Presentations, Ohio Achivement/Scholarship Applications.