December 7, 2014
INDEX: Â MXC, Youth in Action Award, Agri-Science Summit, Message from USDA, Winter Manure Application, Travel Updates
November 23, 2014
INDEX: Â 4-H Professionals UPDATE - 2015 Dates, Ohio 4-H Conf. Silent Auction Items, Now on eStores, Capital Challenge, Tri-State Diversity Awards, Help Improve Paper Clover, Youth Protection Framework, USA TODAY for Educators
November 16, 2014
INDEX: Â States' 4-H International, Purchase of Restricted Items, Int'l Ed Week, Sexting & Sextortion Webinar, 4-H Volunteer Awards
November 9, 2014
INDEX:  OFMA Newsletter, Water First for  Thirst Teen Leadership Board, Farm Credit Campaign
November 2, 2014
INDEX: Â Greg Yost, InFARMation, Ensuring 4-H Grows, FlipGive, 4-H Volunteer Awards
October 26, 2014
INDEX: Â Volunteer Awards, Diversity Mini Grants, National Ag Day, 4-H History Preservation, NECV, Census Bureau Report, Grandparents-Grandchild
October 19, 2014
INDEX:  TSC Paper Clover Promotion, Journal Possibility, USDA Workshop, Ohio 4-H Foundation Grants due, Excellence in 4-H Nominations
October 12, 2014
INDEX: Â Paper Clover Promotion, Youth Reps for OH 4-H Foundation Board, OH 4-H Foundation Grant Applications, Excellence in 4-H Nominations
October 5, 2014
INDEX: Â 4-H Professionals Autumn Update, Horse Program Mini Grant, Cloverbud Connections, Teen Safe Drive Week, Hold Date for CARTEENS Conf., Order Safety Materials, 4-H Horse Advisor Training, NHOC Call for Proposals, NEC on Volunteerism, Excellence in 4-H Nominations
September 28, 2014
INDEX: Â National Youth Science Day, Corn Maze, Service Opportunity, Ohio 4-H Camp Inservice, Excellence in 4-H Nominations
September 21, 2014
INDEX: Â Fall Shooting Sports Workshop, TAC Service Project, Openings on Curriculum Committee, Serice Opportunity, Vote Risk Ranch, Excellence in 4-H Award
September 14, 2014
INDEX: Â Cyper Auction, Vote for Project Central, Excellence in 4-H Nominations, Leadership Camp, CARTEENS, Ohio 4-H Camp Inservice, Carving New Ideas,OFMA Jr Fair Conf., CWF & LWF, Extension Annual Conference, National Youth Science Day, National 4-H Week, Paper Clover Promotion, Prudential: Spirit of Community Awards, Celebrate My Drive, 4-H History Preservation Newsletter
September 7, 2014 - no issue published
August 31, 2014
INDEX: Â Horse Program Mini Grants, National 4-H Conference, National 4-H Council Partnerships
August 24, 2014
INDEX: Â Funding Opportunity for 4-H Horse Programs, Harris Retires, OSUE2U Centennial Video Contest Results, Military Extension Internships, 4-H Companion Animal Contest
August 17, 2014
INDEX: Â Revised, Replaced and Discontinued Titles, Prime Time for Ohio 4-H Project Central, NAE4HA - NCR Award Winners, Camp Ohio Shooting Sports Camp, Bullying Prevention Summit, National 4-H Conference, Youth Science Day, Fall Paper Clover Campaign
August 10, 2014
INDEX: Â Future Scientist, OSU at Cincinnati Zoo, Paper Clovers, National Youth Science Day, Children's Financial Habits Webinar
August 3, 2014
INDEX: Â Military Extension Internships, Ensuring 4-H GROWS, Developing Children's Financial Habits Webinar, LWF Registration
July 27, 2014
INDEX: Â Vote for your Favorite Scientist, Ride it Forward, Teacher bringing Science to Life
July 20, 2014
INDEX: Vote for Ohio's "Inspire A Future Scientist Finalists, 4-H & Cleveland Browns
July 13, 2014
INDEX: Â Ohio 4-H Project Central, 4-H Southern Region Teen Leadership Conference, TAG: Think, Act, Grow.
July 6, 2014
INDEX: Â Teen Advisory Council, 2015 State Fashion Board Application, Cloverbud Connections
June 29, 2014
INDEX: Â Ohio's Statewide 4-H Dairy Quiz BowlÂ
June 22, 2014
INDEX: ATV Safety, OSF Companion Animal Entries, Aerospace Summit, Commodity Carnival, OSF Workforce Prep Day
June 15, 2014
INDEX: Â Commodity Carnival, 4-H Ag Innovators, OSF Workforce Prep Day
June 8, 2014
INDEX: Â 4-H Celebrates 100 yrs of Ext. Â National 4-H Webpage Update, Examples of 4-H Life Changes, 4-H Grows Entrepreneurs
June 1, 2014
INDEX:  Special Note of Recognition, 2014 Ohio H&S Speaking Info
May 25, 2014
INDEX:  Fishy Science Unavailable,  Ohio Forestry & Wildlife Camp, TEDx Open Call Auditions, Save the Date Webinar, Inspire a Future Scientist, Virtual Town Hall, 2014 Ohio H&S Speaking Info
May 18, 2014
INDEX: Â National Congress Chaperones Needed, 4-H OSF Guidebook Posted, H & S Speaking Information, Leader-directed Activities, ATV Safety Leader's Guide, Dairy Quiz Bowl, 2015 Nat'l Ext. Conference on Vol, NYSD Kit Pre-Sale, 4-H Mall Camp Sale.
May 11, 2014
INDEX: Â Nationally Perr Reviewed Publications, DairyPalooza, Ag is Cook Contest, National Youth Summit Series, National Youth Science Day, Paper Clover Feedback
May 4, 2014
INDEX: Â Family Guides, Baby Hoyt, NCR Volunteer of the Year, University Summer Hours, National Youth Summit Series, Paper Clover
April 27, 2014
INDEX: Â Paper Clover Campaign, 4-H Council National Newsletter, Stall Tags
April 20, 2014
INDEX: Wright Receives Distinguished Staff Award, My Plate, Share 4-H Afterschool Highlights
April 13, 2014
INDEX:Â Safeguarding Children Policy, National Peer Reviewed Publications
April 6, 2014
INDEX:Â Project Central, 4-H Dairy News, Baseball w/Buckeyes, Science Saturday, Share a 4-H Anecdote, 27,000 Years of Service, Bioenergy & Bioproducts Workshop, State Farm Grant Opportunity
March 30, 2014
INDEX: Â Project Book Orders, Family History Treasure Hunt Info, Auglaize County 4-H Member, Dog Showmanship, 2014 4-H dog Expo, Cloverbud Connections, State Health & Safety Speaking Contest Dates, Review Publications, CWF Volunteer Needed, Shooting Sports Workshop, Advisor Training, Junior Anglers, Japanese Host Families, Ag is Cool, JOE Authors & Reviewers, VET MD Open House, Buckeye Vet Prep Camp, Circus Offer, Stock Show University
March 23 - No Publication
March 16, 2014
INDEX:Â Space Adventure Camp, OSF Communication Day, School-After School Garden Conf., HHS/HRSA Bullying Prevention, Craft and Tack Sale.
March 9, 2014
INDEX: Programs at Ohio 4-H Center, Workforce Prep Day at OSF, What is Urban Youth Development, summer Senate Page Program Scholarship, National 4-H Council's 4-H Professionals News & NotesÂ
March 2, 2014
INDEX:Â Ohio 4-H State Leadership Camp, Leadership Camp Staff Needed, Horse Advisor Training, Revised PAS Patterns, PAS Show Dates Needed, Dog Show Fun Matches, Sea Camp Registration, Youth Welding Workshop, Teen Opportunity, Project Boo Odds and Ends, Counselor Workshop at Camp OH, Volunteer Background Policies, CARTEENS, Rabbit Clinic, OBE Judging Contest, Beef Grooming and Fitting Clinic, National 4-H History, National 4-H Food Challenge, Name & Emblem Update, SAMHSA Stipends for Clubs, GIS-GPS Leadership Team, Ohio 4-H and the Dayton Dragons, North Central Teaching Resources
February 16, 2014
INDEX:Â OSUE Strategic Plan & 4-H, Bi-State Poultry Clinic, Piedmont Shooting Sports Camp, Plowboy Prom, AIT Newsletter, Open House at ATI, Centennial Celebrations, Showring Seminar, Looking for Director of Development.
February 9, 2014
INDEX:Â Cloverbuds at OSF, Project Central, MyPlate, Counselor College, 4-H at Dayton Dragons, Volunteerism eConference, Green Fund Raising Project, Paper Clovers, OSF Scholarship Application, Backyard Poultry Webinar
February 2, 2014
INDEX:Â Project Interview Questions, High/Low Rated Project Books, Books Pass National Peer Review, Become a National 4-H Peer Reviewer, Proposals Sought for OEF, Seeking National 4-H Hall of Fame volunteers, Spring Paper Clover Dates, Virtual Town Hall
January 26, 2014
INDEX:Â OSF Skillathon, Workforce Prep Day at OSF, Quality Assurance Surveys, Achievement Record Procedure, CWF and LWF, 990 E-postcard Tutorial, Project Central Stats, Cloverbot Challange, Youth Preparedness Council, Curriculum-based App
January 19, 2014
INDEX: Â Register for upcoming 4-H Professionals' Update, Project Central, Family Guide Correction, Dog Show Rules & Score Sheets, Leadership Camp Registration, Leadership Camp Staff Needed, Shropshire Offers Funds, Discussion on Animal Abuse and Child Abuse, NCCOR Connect & Explore,
January 12, 2014
INDEX:Â Project Central Using Social Media, Traditional Promotion of Project Central, 4-H Day at Cedar Point, Doris Huffman Mini Grant Opportunity, Create Moments that Click, Military Extension Internship Program
January 5, 2014
INDEX: Mahoning County Featured, 2014 4-H Beekeeping Essay Contest, Cloverbud Connections, MXC Registration, Poultry Clinic, Growing Ohio Magazine, BLW Scholarships, Ohio Camping Conference, Zero Tolerance Policies BriefÂ