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Robotics with VEX IQ

cover of Robotics Essentials project bookWelcome! The materials and videos on this page support the Robotics Essentials project when it's done with VEX® IQ. Let's get started!

Activity 2: Robots for Work and Fun

Watch industrial robots complete their programmed activities.

Video: Robots in Manufacturing


Video: Robotics in Healthcare


Video: Introduction to Vex® IQ


Activity 3: What's What

Web page: Explore the VEX IQ (2nd gen) Kit Content


Activity 4: If I Only Had a Brain

Software: Download the web-based VEXcode IQ app here.

Web page: Pair your controller to the brain.

Video: VEXcode IQ Blocks Getting Started Tutorial


Watch one of these:

  • Custom Video: Play a Sound (with VEX brain connected to an iPad or other tablet)
    This easy programming step is the first of many more to come. If you are using an tablet, watch this video for directions on programming a sound on your VEX IQ Prime robot’s brain.


  • Custom Video: Play a Sound (with VEX brain connected to a Chrome, Mac, or Windows computer)
    This easy programming step is the first of many more to come. If you are using a computer, watch this video for directions on programming a sound on your VEX IQ Prime robot’s brain.


Custom Video: File Management
Stay organized so you can easily find programs you’ve written for your VEX IQ robot.



Activity 5: Start with Something Simple

Now you get to build! Use the first three resources below to build the VEX IQ BaseBot. As a final step, update your robot's firmware so you have the latest and greatest version.   

Web page: Understanding Vex IQ Plastic Construction System

PDF: Vex IQ BaseBot Build Instructions

Web page: Updating VEX IQ Firmware


Activity 6: One Step at a Time

1. The programs in these videos are demonstrated in Virtual Robots (VR). Your programs are instead downloaded to and run on your actual VEX robot's brain.
2. The robots in these vidoes may be different from your robot. That's okay. The programs are the same.
3. To avoid damaging your VEX IQ robot, always run it on the floor.  

Custom Video: Move Forward
Onward! Start your programming adventure by—what else?—moving forward.



Custom Video: Move Backward
Moving a VEX IQ robot backward is just as easy as moving forward. You’ll see. It’s one click away!


Custom Video: Turn
Your robot can turn left, right, and in circles. This video explains how.


Activity 7: Building Blocks

Custom Video: VEX IQ Programming Overview
You know about some drivetrain blocks in VEX IQ, but there’s so much more!


Custom Video: Differences Among Various Drive and Turn Blocks
You will have complete control when you learn more about drivetrain blocks.


Activity 8: Sensors Galore

Web page: Overview of VEX IQ (2nd gen) Sensors

Web page: Configuring Sensors in VEXcode IQ

PDF: Vex IQ BaseBot with Sensors Build Instructions


Activity 9: Be Sensible

Custom Video: The Bumper Switch
Get started with sensors by programming with the bumper switch.


Custom Video: The Distance Sensor
The distance sensor uses a laser—and your excellent programming—to give your robot amazing capabilities.


Custom Video: The Optical Sensor
The optical sensor sees colors, any one of which can be part of your program.



Activity 10: Two Sensors Are Better Than One

Custom Video: Optical Plus Distance
Your project ends with a complex program that combines VEX IQ optical and distance sensor readings.




Ready to do some of your own programming?
Look for ideas on the VEX Student page.