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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


Rockets Away!

Rockets Away!: Exploring the Science of Forces and Motion

**We regret to say the popular Rocket Design Simulation is not longer available. It was created with Adobe Flash, an older programming language that no longer has widespread support.**

Recommended for teachers and other group leaders, this popular favorite is now up-to-date and more effective than ever at teaching the concepts of forces and motion via rocketry. The project's exciting conclusion is building and launching 2-liter bottle water rockets. A Rockets Away Student Logbook is required for each student. A bottle-rocket launcher may be available from your county Extension office, or see below for ordering launchers we have used and like.



2-Liter Bottle Launcher

Launchers that Extension educators have found helpful include these:

(Endorsement of these products by The Ohio State University is neither intended nor implied.)

Bike Pump

The Deluxe Port Pump II from Pitsco Education includes heavy-duty construction and an easy-to-see pressure gauge. Product details and ordering are available at Call 800-835-0686 for more information.

(Endorsement of this product by The Ohio State University is neither intended nor implied.)